How far ahead is South Africa from PST?

How far ahead is South Africa from PST?

PST to SAST call time

0:00 9:00
1:00 10:00
2:00 11:00
3:00 12:00

What is 9am PST in Atlantic?

Time Converter:

Pacific Time (PDT) to Canada Atlantic Time (ADT)
09 AM PDT is 01 PM ADT
10 AM PDT is 02 PM ADT
11 AM PDT is 03 PM ADT
12 PM PDT is 04 PM ADT

What is 10am PST in Eat?

PST to EAT call time

10am 7pm
11am 8pm
12pm (noon) 9pm
1pm 10pm

What is 9am PST in Eat?

Time Converter:

Pacific Time (PDT) to East Africa Time (EAT)
09 AM PDT is 07 PM EAT
10 AM PDT is 08 PM EAT
11 AM PDT is 09 PM EAT
12 PM PDT is 10 PM EAT

What is 3pt in EST?

PT to EST call time

3:00 6:00
4:00 7:00
5:00 8:00
6:00 9:00

What is PST food?

View the PST to EAT conversion below. Pacific Standard Time is 10 hours behind Eastern Africa Time. Convert more time zones by visiting the time zone page and clicking on common time zone conversions….Eastern Africa Time.

11:00 PM in PST is* 09:00 AM in EAT
12:00 AM in PST is* 10:00 AM in EAT

What is 4pm PST in Eat?

PST to EST call time

3pm 6pm
4pm 7pm
5pm 8pm
6pm 9pm

What time is PST in USA?

Pacific Time Zone
PST UTC−08:00
PDT UTC−07:00
Current time
23:00, 18 July 2021 PST [refresh] 00:00, 19 July 2021 PDT [refresh]

What is PST time in EST?

Getting Started

Pacific Standard Time (PST) to Eastern Standard Time (EST)
7 am PST is 10 am EST
8 am PST is 11 am EST
9 am PST is 12 pm EST
10 am PST is 1 pm EST

What is EST compared to PST?

Getting Started

Eastern Standard Time (EST) to Pacific Standard Time (PST)
8 pm EST is 5 pm PST
9 pm EST is 6 pm PST
10 pm EST is 7 pm PST
11 pm EST is 8 pm PST

Is Ontario in EST or EDT?

Most of Ontario Canada is officially in the Eastern Time Zone and observes Daylight Saving Time. Some communities, however, are officially in the Central Time Zone. The areas of Ontario, west of 90° west longitude, are in the Central Time zone.

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