How far is Jackson from Tennessee?

How far is Jackson from Tennessee?

Distance conversions

Distance type Miles Kilometers
Straight line distance 76.63 mi 123.33 km
Driving distance 85 mi 137.11 km

How far is Memphis TN from Jackson MS?

210 miles

How far is Jackson from New Orleans?

186 miles

How far is Atlanta from Jackson?

39.71 miles

How close is Mississippi to New Orleans?

The total driving distance from Mississippi to New Orleans, LA is 236 miles or 380 kilometers. Your trip begins in the state of Mississippi. It ends in New Orleans, Louisiana.

How long does it take to get to Jackson Mississippi from New Orleans?

Yes, the driving distance between New Orleans to Jackson is 187 miles. It takes approximately 3h 6m to drive from New Orleans to Jackson.

How far is Jackson Mississippi from Birmingham Alabama?

238 miles

What is the closest city to New Orleans?

Major cities near New Orleans, LA

  • 75 miles to Baton Rouge, LA.
  • 315 miles to Birmingham, AL.
  • 317 miles to Houston, TX.
  • 359 miles to Memphis, TN.
  • 430 miles to Atlanta, GA.
  • 443 miles to Garland, TX.
  • 447 miles to Dallas, TX.
  • 450 miles to Plano, TX.

Is New Orleans in Mississippi or Louisiana?

New Orleans

New Orleans La Nouvelle-Orléans (French)
Country United States
State Louisiana
Parish Orleans
Founded 1718

What do people eat for breakfast in New Orleans?

New Orleans Breakfast Foods

  • Eggs Hussarde.
  • Eggs Sardou.
  • Biscuits And Gravy.
  • Chicken And Waffles.
  • Grits.
  • Grits With Shrimp.
  • Grillades And Grits.
  • Pain Perdu.

What is Louisiana’s famous food?


What city has the best food in Louisiana?

Any conversation about the cuisine of Louisiana will be dominated by that of New Orleans, which is without a doubt one of the finest (and most unique) food cities in America. New Orleans is synonymous with Cajun and Creole cuisine, which means it’s also synonymous with deliciousness.

What dessert is New Orleans known for?

Sweet Side — Classic New Orleans Desserts

  • Bread Pudding. What began as a creative way to use yesterday’s bread has progressed into a popular dessert course and a New Orleans menu mainstay.
  • Bananas Foster.
  • Pralines.
  • Beignets.
  • King Cake.
  • Snoballs.
  • Roman Candy.

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