How far is Kenmare from Dublin?

How far is Kenmare from Dublin?

277 km

How do I get from Kenmare to Dublin?

Kenmare to Dublin bus services, operated by Transport for Ireland, depart from East Avenue Road Killarney station. Train or bus from Kenmare to Dublin? The best way to get from Kenmare to Dublin is to train which takes 4h 40m and costs €30 – €50. Alternatively, you can bus, which costs €25 – €40 and takes 6h 8m.

How many miles is it from Dublin to Waterford?

3462 miles

How far is Kenmare from Bantry?

24 km

How far is Cork from Waterford?

101 km

How far is Waterford from Galway?

172 km

Is there a train from Waterford to Cork?

No, there is no direct train from Waterford to Cork. However, there are services departing from Waterford and arriving at Cork Kent via Limerick Junction. The journey, including transfers, takes approximately 3h 42m.

How far is Donegal from Galway?

166 km

Can you fly from Waterford to Belfast?

Belfast International currently has moderate travel restrictions in place for travellers from Waterford. There are no airlines that fly directly from Waterford to Belfast International.

How do I get from Waterford to Belfast?

You can take a bus from Waterford to Belfast via Zone 21, stop 111911 and Dublin Airport in around 5h 16m. Alternatively, you can take a train from Waterford to Belfast via Heuston, Heuston, Busáras, and Connolly in around 5h 46m.

How do I get from Dublin to Belfast?

Train or bus from Dublin to Belfast? The best way to get from Dublin to Belfast is to train which takes 2h 10m and costs €15 – €22. Alternatively, you can bus, which costs €20 – €27 and takes 2h 20m.

Can you rent a car in Belfast and drop off in Dublin?

Car Hire in Ireland and we will compare available car hire rentals for you, to bring you the cheapest car hire in both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. Rent a car in Dublin and drop it off in Belfast all fees totally included in the price quoted.

Do I need a visa to go to Belfast from Dublin?

A – No. – If you wish to travel to Northern Ireland you will require a UK Visa. If your main destination is Northern Ireland but you arrive in, and depart from the Republic of Ireland, you must first obtain a UK visa, and then a multi-entry Irish visa.

How much is a bus ticket from Dublin to Belfast?

Tickets & Fares

Tickets Euro Sterling
Single €10 £8
Return €20 £16
10-journey (valid for 7 consecutive days) €95 £76

What is the cheapest travel option?

Just remember: with the right attitude, the best things in life—yup, even travelling—can come pretty cheap.

  1. Housesit (or petsit)
  2. Relocating vehicles.
  3. Volunteer and fundraise.
  4. Carpool or hitchhike.
  5. Crew a yacht or a cruise ship.
  6. Commit to a work exchange.
  7. Get a travel scholarship.
  8. Organize a group tour.

How much is the bus from Dublin Airport to Dublin City Centre?

How much does the Aircoach Dublin Airport Bus cost? The cost of a single ticket is €8 from Dublin Airport into the city centre on Aircoach Route 700 or €9 for a return.

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