How has pollution affected the Yangtze and Ganges rivers?

How has pollution affected the Yangtze and Ganges rivers?

The pollution puts all of the cities along its banks at risk. led to many health problems. Hundreds of millions of Chinese villagers do not have safe drinking water because of the pollution. The Chinese government is building more water treatment facilities along the Yangtze’s banks.

What are the causes and effects of pollution in the Yangtze River?

Cause 1: Factories Factories along the river dump their waste into the river. The pollution is killing marine life and other wildlife in the river or drinking the water.

What are the 3 major causes of pollution in the Yangtze River?

The answer is yes. Industrial wastewater discharge, agricultural chemical fertilizer, sediment accumulation, ship garbage and acid rain were the main Yangtze River pollution causes.

Is the Yangtze River still polluted?

China’s Yangtze River, the third-longest in the world, is now so polluted that nearly half the people who depend on it are without safe drinking water.

What is wrong with the Yangtze River?

Problems since the completion of the dam But the dam itself lies near two fault lines on the Earth’s surface. It has been blamed for an increased number of earthquakes in the area. China’s environment ministry said the area had as many as 776 earthquakes in 2017.

Is the Yangtze River drinkable?

Many places in Jiangsu province have turned to the Yangtze for water. Previously, cities in southern Jiangsu relied on Taihu Lake, China’s third-largest freshwater lake, and other local water bodies for their drinking water. Even the Yangtze is not a perfectly safe supply.

What are the 10 most polluted rivers in the world?

Let’s take a look at the ten most polluted rivers in the world.

  • Marilao River, Philippines.
  • Yellow River, China.
  • Jordan River, Israel.
  • River Yamuna, India.
  • Buriganga River, Bangladesh.
  • Matanza-Riachuelo River, Argentina.
  • Ganges River, India.
  • Citarum River, Indonesia.

Is the Yangtze River safe?

The river is also prone to flooding and has suffered in recent years from high levels of pollution, putting many animal species at risk of extinction. Despite the risks, Yangtze river cruises have become popular for both locals and foreigners, but the quality of tours have ranged in safety.

What animals live in Yangtze River?

Apart from the giant panda, the Yangtze River Basin supports a dazzling variety of animal species, many on the brink of extinction. The red panda, Chinese alligator, Chinese giant salamander, Yangtze sturgeon, golden monkey and many others share the habitat of the giant panda.

Are there sharks in the Yangtze River?

The Chinese high-fin banded shark can be found in almost all sections of the Yangtze River, but their spawning grounds are mainly limited to the Jinsha, Min and Jialing Rivers. The fast-flowing gravel bank is their favorite place to lay eggs. After the construction of the Gezhouba Dam, they also spawn below the dam.

Do any animals live in the Yellow River?

There are small populations of various ungulates in the higher reaches of the river, including rare species such as the chiru (Tibetan antelope) and wild yak, as well as populations of Chinese forest musk deer (Moschus berezovskii) and sikas lower in the basin.

How old is Yangtze River?

45 million years old

Which country in Asia has the largest river?


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