
How has scout changed throughout the book?

How has scout changed throughout the book?

In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, Scout changes throughout the story by learning to exercise tolerance, empathy, and perspective, growing in her understanding of human nature, and applying lessons Atticus and others teach her to her life and moral behavior.

How Scout develops in To Kill a Mockingbird?

At the beginning of the novel, Scout is an innocent, good-hearted five-year-old child who has no experience with the evils of the world. Though she is still a child at the end of the book, Scout’s perspective on life develops from that of an innocent child into that of a near grown-up.

How does Scout change after the trial?

Scout observes the malevolent nature of Bob Ewell, Mayella’s loneliness, and Tom’s honesty. Following the verdict, Scout witnesses racial injustice firsthand and loses her childhood innocence. Following Tom’s conviction, Scout becomes more aware of the prejudice and hypocrisy throughout her community.

How does Scout change in Chapter 9?

The reader notices a change in Scout by her mature response to Cecil’s racist comments. Scout does not react with violence and shows extreme self-control by simply walking away. Scout demonstrates maturity and depicts her moral development by controlling her temper and leaving the scene without fighting Cecil.

What lesson does Uncle Jack learn from scout?

What did Scout’s Uncle Jack learn from Scout and Atticus? Scout taught him to always listen to both sides of the story, and Atticus taught him to always tell children the truth, because they can always spot evasions and those only muddle them.

What does Uncle Jack do to scout?

Jack spanks Scout because she beats up Aunt Alexandra’s grandson for calling Atticus a cruel name. As a result, Uncle Jack spanks Scout without hearing her reason for acting so violently. He has warned Scout not to fight with people if they talk badly about him.

What did Mrs Dubose want to do before she died?

What did Mrs. Dubose vow to do before she died? She vowed that she would wain herself off of the morphine addiction.

How does Mrs Dubose show courage?

Dubose is found in chapter 11 of To Kill a Mockingbird. The three ways that she demonstrates courage are: by facing the world alone and sick for a very long time; by deciding at her old age to conquer a drug addiction; and by achieving her goal to die free from said addiction. For many years, Mrs.

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