How historically accurate is Remember the Titans?
Remember the Titans, based on the true story of T.C. Williams High School in Alexandria, Virginia. Jerry Bruckheimer and Walt Disney Pictures bought the script based on the fact that it is a true story, but much of the film‟s content is fictional.
Why was Ronnie Bass called sunshine?
During his early years at Huntington Beach, Bass realized he wanted to play football. After moving to Virginia, Bass became the starting quarterback, as well as adopting the nickname “Sunshine”, at T.C. Williams High School. The nickname was given to him by his teammates due to his blonde hair and sunburn.
What is the moral of Remember the Titans?
“Take a lesson from the dead.” If the Titans keep fighting each other, they’re never going to beat an opponent. You can take this lesson literally or not, but the message is the same. In order to make good decisions and navigate through life, you have to look to the ones who came before you.
Why did Emma shake Julius hand?
The Scene. It could be possible Emma didn’t want to be stigmatized for talking to Julius but she shakes his hand in a later scene without the fear of being stigmatized. Prejudice: the attitude towards members of a certain group who individuals believe should have an inferior social status (Franzoi, 2012).
Why was a brick thrown through Coach Boone’s window?
No, someone did not throw a brick through Coach Boone’s window. Actually, it was was much worse than a brick. But likely because Disney is a family movie production company, the film does not display the item that was actually thrown through Coach Boone’s window.
What does Emma refuse to do when she meets Julius?
Gerry Bertiers girlfriend Emma refuses to shake Julius’s hand when they meet. 1. Coach Boone says to Coach Yoast “Why don’t you give your daughter a doll” which is a gender stereotype that girls should play with dolls. 2.
What is the significance of Gary’s mom saying I don’t want to get to know him when talking about Julius?
Gary’s mother exercises prejudice towards Julius by saying to Gary; “I don’t want to get to know him.” This is not a direct assault on Julius but explicitly shows that she does not want to associate with him solely based on his membership to a group of black people.