How is an echinoderms radial symmetry different from that of a jellyfish?

How is an echinoderms radial symmetry different from that of a jellyfish?

How is an enchinoderm’s radial symmetry different from that of a jellyfish? Enchinoderms radial symmetry is 5-part. Jellyfish do not have 5-part radial symmetry. If a lobster has just molted, what is a dangerous situation that might occur before the new exoskeleton has hardened?

How is the radial symmetry of echinoderms unique and different from that of cnidarians?

Cnidarians and echinoderms have radial symmetry; mollusks have bilateral symmetry. Cnidarians have no body cavity or cephalization; mollusks and echinoderms have a true coelom and cephalization. Echinoderms’ tube feet are filled with water which runs down the length of the arms and creates a hydraulic system.

Are jellyfish bilateral symmetry or radial symmetry?

Despite the diversity within the jellyfish clade, Medusozoa, all 200 described jellyfish species exhibit radial symmetry. This means that their appendages radiate outward from a central point – akin to the spokes of a bicycle wheel.

Does an earthworm have radial symmetry?

Worms have radial symmetry.

Is a snail radial or bilateral?

Examples of animals that possess bilateral symmetry are: flatworms, common worms (“ribbon worms”), clams, snails, octopuses, crustaceans, insects, spiders, brachiopods, sea stars, sea urchins, and vertebrates.

What symmetry do earthworm have?

bilateral symmetry

Which number is the Clitellum?

32 and 37 is the clitellum, a slightly bulged, discoloured organ that produces a cocoon for enclosing the earthworm’s eggs. The body is tapered at both ends, with the tail end the blunter of the two. Earthworms cannot see or hear, but they are sensitive to both light and vibrations.

Are earthworms animals?

Yes, worms are animals. Worms are divided into three groups: the flatworm, the roundworm, and the segmented worm. Flatworms are soft, unsegmented invertebrates. Flatworms have only one body cavity through which they eat and excrete waste.

Is a worm an insect yes or no?

No, worms are not insects. Insects belong to a large grouping of animals with jointed exoskeletons, called arthropods (meaning jointed foot). The earthworm belongs to a different grouping, the segmented worms or annelids.

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