How is Antigone the tragic hero?

How is Antigone the tragic hero?

Both Creon and Antigone can be seen as the tragic hero in Antigone. Antigone is the tragic hero because she sticks to her beliefs in the Gods and family and dies because of her loyalty to them.

Why is Antigone not a tragic hero?

Antigone is not the tragic hero of Sophocles’ play, Antigone, because she does not meet three out of four characteristics of a tragic hero. The first characteristic not met is rank. Even though Antigone is royalty she can’t have rank because she is a woman, all she has is a worthless title.

Who leads Oedipus exile?

Later, when the truth became known, Jocasta committed suicide, and Oedipus (according to another version), after blinding himself, went into exile, accompanied by Antigone and Ismene, leaving his brother-in-law Creon as regent.

Why is Laius cursed?

Laius’ Abduction of Chrysippus. In exile Laius lived with PELOPS [pee’lops], king of Elis, whose son CHRYSIPPUS [kreye-sip’pus], or CHRYSIPPOS, he abducted. For this transgression of the laws of hospitality, Pelops invoked a curse on Laius and his family.

Is Jocasta Oedipus mother?

Oedipus accepted the throne and married Laius’ widowed queen Jocasta, Oedipus’ actual mother, thereby fulfilling the second half of the prophecy. Jocasta bore her son four children: two girls, Antigone and Ismene, and two boys, Eteocles and Polynices.

What is it called when a boy is in love with his mother?

In psychoanalytic theory, the Oedipus complex refers to the child’s desire for sexual involvement with the opposite sex parent, particularly a boy’s erotic attention to his mother. The Oedipal complex occurs in the phallic stage of psychosexual development between the ages of three and five.

Who is Oedipus’s mother?


Who is Jocasta’s brother?


Is Ulysses in love with Jocasta?

While he did help Jocasta and Murtagh meet in secret earlier in Outlander Season 5, Ulysses will always put Jocasta first. He loves Jocasta, as we later learn in the season, and he will do anything to make her happy. Seeing Murtagh the night before she’s supposed to marry Duncan Innes isn’t likely to make her happy.

Why did Eurydice kill herself?

She appears briefly in Sophocles’ Antigone (as an “archetypal grieving, saddened mother” and an older counterpart to Antigone), to kill herself after learning, from a messenger, that her son Haemon and his betrothed, Antigone, have both committed suicide.

Did Jocasta know Oedipus was her son?

The narration is supposed to take place right after Jocasta died, when she is looking back on her life. She reveals that she has known all along that Oedipus is her son, and that she has not been ashamed of it. Jocasta says that she knows from the moment she sees him as a man that Oedipus is her son.

Why is it ironic that Teiresias is blind?

Why is it particularly ironic that Teiresias, the prophet, is blind? Ironic because Oedipus Rex becomes blind too. The prophet can see the future, trying to avoid the future made it come true. Oedipus is angry he was cut off in the road and killed people.

What is ironic about Teiresias?

As in Antigone, the entrance of Tiresias signals a crucial turning point in the plot. But in Oedipus the King, Tiresias also serves an additional role—his blindness augments the dramatic irony that governs the play. Tiresias is blind but can see the truth; Oedipus has his sight but cannot.

Why is Antigone The Bride of Death?

Through his struggle to keep Antigone in the land of the living, the messenger in the play says, “Side by side they lie, and both are dead, / Not in this world but in the world below / He wins his bride” (Sophocles, 51). The two lovers prefer dying in honor instead living in shame and compliance to unjust.

What motive does Creon attribute to the person who buried Polyneices?


Term What is an to ismene? Definition She tells her she has herself to consider anyways.
Term When the characters are torn by this decision, what kind of conflict is it? Definition Man vs Self-Interna Conflict
Term What motive does creon attribute to the person that buried polyneices? Definition Money and spitefulness

What is Creon’s motive for finally wishing to free Antigone and bury Polyneices?

What is Creon’s motive for finally wishing to free Antigone and bury Polyneices? He has been bribed. He doesn’t want to risk losing his family and kingdom. Ismene and Eurydice plead with him to be lenient.

What is Creon’s attitude toward Antigone?

Creon views Antigone with a mixture of frustration and fear. He wants to keep his promise to Oedipus and look after his nieces, especially now that…

What is Antigone’s primary motive for burying her brother?

Antigone’s primary reason for wanting to bury Polynices is that it’s in accordance with divine law. Once someone dies, their body isn’t supposed to be just left to rot out in the streets; they must be buried according to the appropriate funeral rites.

Who did the chorus blame for Antigone’s misery?

3. Who does Antigone blame for her terrible misfortune? She blames the sins of her father, Oedipus.

What makes a hero tragic?

Here’s a quick and simple definition: A tragic hero is a type of character in a tragedy, and is usually the protagonist. Tragic heroes typically have heroic traits that earn them the sympathy of the audience, but also have flaws or make mistakes that ultimately lead to their own downfall.

What is Snape’s tragic flaw?

Hamartia. His main flaw is that he is a double agent, his loyalty lies with Dumbledore at first glance, yet he is part of the antagonist’s team, so he seems evil. This flaw, eventually leads to his death at the antagonist’s hands. He loves Lily Potter, Harry’s mother, and he only helps Harry out, out of love for Lily.

Did Snape know Quirrell was Voldemort?

No. Snape did not know Quirrell was hosting Lord Voldemort during the events of Book 1. He later tells Bellatrix Lestrange in Book 6, Chapter: Spinner’s End (while giving an explanation about his loyalty to the Dark Lord) that he tried to thwart Quirrell because he found Quirrell unworthy.

Why was Voldemort so evil?

Voldemort went to levels of evil that his family probably would not. He is evil because he chose to be. So for those of us who may not have the family that we have always wanted, remember Sirius who chose to turn away from his family’s discriminatory practices.

What is the most powerful Patronus?

  1. 1 Professor Dumbledore’s Phoenix. Dumbledore is the only named character we know of with a magical creature as his Patronus.
  2. 2 Harry’s Stag.
  3. 3 *James Potter’s Stag.
  4. 4 *Lily Potter’s Doe.
  5. 5 Snape’s Doe.
  6. 6 Kingsley Shacklebolt’s Lynx.
  7. 7 Dolores Umbridge’s Cat.
  8. 8 Aberforth Dumbledore’s Goat.

What is the weakest Patronus?

10 Worst Patronuses on Pottermore

  • Dragonfly. You’d need a thousand of these to take on one dementor…
  • Vole. And your patronus is… a type of mouse no one has ever heard of.
  • Shrew. Why, J.K. Rowling, why is this really an option?!?
  • Pheasant.
  • Red Squirrel.
  • Grey Squirrel.
  • Field Mouse.
  • Salmon.

What Expecto Patronum means?

Expecto Patronum, the spell that conjured up Harry’s magnificent stag Patronus, roughly translates into ‘I expect (or await) a guardian’ in Latin, which is apt. In Ancient Rome, the word ‘patronus’ meant protector, too, but with very different connotations.

Is Avada Kedavra a real spell?

The Killing Curse (Avada Kedavra) was a tool of the Dark Arts and was one of the three Unforgivable Curses. It was one of the most powerful and sinister (if not the most sinister) spells known to Wizardkind.

What does Patronum mean?

The Patronus is a form of advanced magic which even the most qualified wizards can struggle with. Harry Potter was one of the youngest wizards to cast a corporeal Patronus, having been taught by Professor Lupin at the tender age of 13.

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