
How is Bob Ewell a coward?

How is Bob Ewell a coward?

For example, Bob Ewell is the biggest coward in the book. He is the one who beats his daughter and he blames it on Tom Robinson, an innocent man. Moreover, when he felt disgraced by Atticus in a court of law, he went after his children, to kill them. This is the height of cowardice.

How does Mrs Dubose show cowardice?

Dubose is found in chapter 11 of To Kill a Mockingbird. The three ways that she demonstrates courage are: by facing the world alone and sick for a very long time; by deciding at her old age to conquer a drug addiction; and by achieving her goal to die free from said addiction. For many years, Mrs.

What does Dill fear in To Kill a Mockingbird?

​Dill wants to know everything. He is just a child but is very curious about all the rumors he has heard about Boo Radley. Dill is especially curious because his own life is so dull. Dill also wants to prove his bravery.

How does Dill mature in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Charles Harris Baker, known as Dill, matures after two incidents: (1) The cross-examination of Tom Robinson by Mr. Gilmer, and (2) his running away from home. (1) After the heartless drilling of Tom by Mr.

Why is dill so interested in Boo Radley?

They are so interested because he is unlike anyone else in Maycomb. The Radleys Like To Keep To themselves, so their lives are a mystery to everyone around them. They decide to try to touch the door of the Radley house.

Who is Dill in To Kill a Mockingbird Chapter 1?

In Chapter 1, Jem and Scout become friends with Dill, who is spending the summer with his aunt, Rachel Haverford. Scout describes Dill as a talented, eccentric individual who could play any character during the children’s dramas. Scout mentions that by the end of August they were becoming bored with their productions.

What briefly has happened to Boo Radley?

What, briefly, has happened to Arthur “Boo” Radley? He got involved with a bad crowd and instead of getting sent away with the rest when the got arrested he was kept in his house. He then spent s little time in the local county basement when he stabbed his father. He is now a ghost in his own house.

What is Miss Caroline like as a teacher?

What do you think of Miss Caroline Fisher as a teacher? She makes not so good of a teacher because she seems very impatient and doesn’t want any of the children to become too smart for their grade, like Scout.

Why is Miss Caroline a bad teacher?

Expert Answers She is a poor teacher, mostly because she is inexperienced. Miss Fisher is young, no more than 21, and she shows her inexperience in two main ways. First, she expresses unhappiness that Scout already knows how to read. She tells Scout to let Atticus know not to teach her anymore.

What does Miss Caroline say to scout?

As Scout begins to read, “a faint line appeared between [Miss Caroline’s] eyebrows,” and when she “discovered that [Scout] was literate and looked at me with more than faint distaste. Miss Caroline told me to tell my father not to teach me any more, it would interfere with my reading.”

Why does Scout’s ability to read and write annoy her teacher Miss Caroline?

Why does Scout’s ability to read and write annoy her teacher, Miss Caroline? Scout’s ability to read and write frustrate her teacher because she doesn’t know what to do with her. Miss. Caroline expected to be teaching her class as a whole.

Why does Miss Caroline not want Scout to read?

Miss Caroline’s disapproval of Atticus teaching Scout how to read is rooted in a desire to maintain power. Miss Caroline has established the classroom environment in a very authoritarian manner. She firmly establishes that she is the teacher and the students are to learn from her.

Who is to blame for teaching scout to write?

Scout blames Calpurnia for teaching her to read and write: Calpurnia was to blame for this… She would set me a writing task by scrawling the alphabet firmly across the top of a tablet, then copying out a chapter of the Bible beneath.

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