How is en Croix movement executed?

How is en Croix movement executed?

Passed. This is an auxiliary movement in which the foot of the gesture leg passes the knee of the supporting leg from one position to another. This is executed by pushing from a flexed supporting leg to an extended standing leg, generally on releve.

What does a la seconde mean in ballet?

A la seconde One of eight directions of the body, in which the foot is placed in second position and. the arms are outstretched to second position. ( ah la suh-GAWND)

What does sissone mean in ballet?

: a ballet step in which the legs are spread in the air and closed on the descent.

What does Tombe mean in ballet?

fallen down

What is a Winged Foot in ballet?

Yet in the classical ballet world, a “winged” shape (toes pointed outward) is the signature of a first-rate ballerina, while “sickling” (pointing the toes inward) is taboo. On the other hand, most modern dance teachers find fault in winging, and some teachers and choreographers even find a sickled foot beautiful.

How many basic feet and arm positions are there in ballet?

five basic feet

What does ronde de jambe mean in ballet?

: a circular movement of the leg in ballet either par terre or en l’air.

What does Degage mean?

free of constraint

What does Chaine mean in ballet?

short usually fast turns

What is the meaning of tendu?

extended in a taut manner

What does Glissade mean?

1 : to perform a ballet glissade. 2 : to slide in a standing or squatting position down a snow-covered slope without the aid of skis.

How do you do Arabesque?


  1. Start standing in first position with your toes pointing outward and heels touching.
  2. Extend one leg straight behind you with your pointed foot on the ground, making sure you continue to rotate outward through your hip.
  3. Raise your extended back leg, keeping your spine long.

What is the arabesque style?

Arabesque, style of decoration characterized by intertwining plants and abstract curvilinear motifs. Derived from the work of Hellenistic craftsmen working in Asia Minor, the arabesque originally included birds in a highly naturalistic setting.

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