How is government salary calculated in Gujarat?

How is government salary calculated in Gujarat?

Salary in Pay Band- 1 (5200-20200) Grade Pay 1800: Corresponding 7th Pay Commission Rationalised Entry Pay: 18000. Corresponding 7th CPC Pay Scale: 18000-56900. Gross Salary: 24300-29000 per month. Cash in Hand: 21800-26500 per month.

What is the salary of government teacher in Gujarat?

Average Government Of Gujarat Teacher salary in India is ₹ 3.4 Lakhs for employees with experience between 2 years to 20 years. Teacher salary at Government Of Gujarat ranges between ₹ 0.6 Lakhs to ₹ 6 Lakhs.

What is grade pay in salary in Gujarat?

Gujarat Pay Matrix Table Pay Band – PB II (9300 To 34800)

Pay Band 9300-34800
1 35400 30900
2 36500 41100
3 37600 42300
4 38700 43600

What is salary of Class 2 officer in Gujarat?

Question: What is salary of Class-2 officer in Gujarat? Answer: A GPSC Class-2 officer will get a salary of Rs. 44,900-1,42,400.

Who is Class 2 officer?

Class II or Group B (Gazetted) Audit/Accounts Officers of Indian Audit & Accounts Department, Indian P Accounts & Financial Services, PS and Sr. PS in various ministries, JCOs in Armed Forces, Principal/Headmaster of Government High School, Officers in State Civil Services, and Labour Enforcement Officers etc.

Is DSP a Class 1 officer?

• Class I Or Group A (Gazette Officer) Employees With Group A Service Rules (IAS, IES, IFS, SDPO, DIB, CP, DGP, JCP, IGP, ADLCP, DIG, DCP, SSP, DCP, SP, ASP, ACP, DSP, Colonel etc.)

Who is a Class 1 officer?

This class of employees is among the highest rank of employees. They are gazetted officers of the Highest class. They are placed in level 10 and above in Civilian and Defence Pay matrices. Pay Scale is not the only criterion for deciding the classes.

Is Doctor a gazetted officer?

Doctors who are employed with the Government of India (whether State or Central) are regarded as gazetted officers whose signature and the stamp are valid for attestation and verification of the documents. Employees with the government are gazetted officers fit to attest documents.

Is SBI bank manager a gazetted officer?

No, they are not an Gazetted Officer. State bank group(now State Bank of India only) officers are gazetteed officers. It is not so in the case of the nationalised bank officers.

Is MBBS doctor is Group A gazetted officer?

Yes MBBS Doctor is a gazetted officer if he works under govt. Service either central or state.

Is MLA a gazetted officer?

An MLA or an MLC is not a gazetted officer. The are political representatives. They have limited tenure though they can be reelected. While gazetted officer is a permanent officer of government who is of fairly senior level.

Is BDO a gazetted officer?

Class II or Group B (Gazetted officers who can attest): BDO (Block Development Officers); Tahsildars; Junior Doctors in Government Hospitals; Income tax and revenue officers.

Is tehsildar a gazetted officer?

Tehsildar are Class 1 gazetted officers in most states of India.

Is mayor a gazetted officer?

They are elected representatives of municipalities, not government employees. They have the powers to attest (actually verification) some documents to be submitted to Local Government Departments. No, he is not a Gazetted Officer.

Is govt teacher a gazetted officer?

Teachers working in a government school are not gazetted, officers. Though their appointment is made by the government, they are not above the grade pay required to be covered under Class II.

Is Postmaster a gazetted officer?

Yes the postmaster is considered as the gazetted officer of Central Government. he is a powerful officer and in charge of the entire post office. He is the incharge of and custody in of money and other valuable thing of Government of India which are deposited in post offices.

Who is the head of postal department?

Postal Services Board, Dak Bhawan,New Delhi-110001.

Name Designation EPABX
Shri Alok Sharma (Current charge) Director General(Posts) 4710
Dr. Charles Lobo Member (Operations) 4713
Ms. Smita Kumar Member (Technology) 4707
Sh. Ashok Kumar Poddar Additional Director General(Coordination) 4712

Is tehsildar and SDM same?

They are also the tax collectors, and also accompany the Revenue Inspectors for collection of taxes from a Tehsil with respect to Revenue of the Lands. Whereas a Sub Divisional Magistrate given to the head official or district sub divisional administrative offices, that is sometimes below the district level.

Is lecturer a gazetted officer?

A lecturer in a government college is a gazetted officer. Teachers working in a government school are not gazetted, officers. Though their appointment is made by the government, they are not above the grade pay required to be covered under Class II.

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