How is Herbert Pocket described?
Herbert Pocket is a young man of similar age to Pip – their backgrounds, however, are different. He is a relative of Miss Havisham’s and Pip first meets him when the two boys have a fight in the courtyard of her home. When they are grown up, Pip and Herbert share lodgings together.
Who is Sarah Pocket in Great Expectations?
Sarah Pocket: Another relative of Miss Havisham who is interested in her money. Mr and Mrs Hubble: Couple in Pip’s village who believe they are better than everyone else.
Who is Sarah and Camilla pocket?
Camilla), Sarah Pocket, Georgiana Pocket Miss Havisham’s toady relatives who pretend to care but are waiting to inherit her money.
What is the pocket household like in Great Expectations?
The Pocket household is total chaos. They have tons of children and the older ones are forced to take care of the younger ones because Mrs. Pocket is incompetent. She fancies herself an aristocrat so she spends all day doing frivolous things, like reading books about the nobility and their titles.
What does Mrs Pocket always brag about?
When he reports back to his wife, Mrs. Pocket is super mad and defends the cook’s honor and sobriety. Apparently the cook had always told her she was fit to be a duchess. Mr.
Why does PIP not like Drummle?
Pip does not want Drummle to see Joe because he is ashamed of Joe’s simple manners. Drummle, described by Jaggers as the “blotchy, sprawly, sulky fellow” (ch 26), is Pip’s nemesis. Drummle offends him and irritates him. He is a perfect stereotype of the spoiled gentleman: brutish, boorish, and mean.
How did Bentley Drummle die?
In Great Expectations, Bentley Drummle dies in an accident involving a horse that he mistreated.
What happens to Compeyson at the end of Great Expectations?
What happens to Compeyson at the end of the novel? He escapes with the Havisham fortune. He is shot by the police. He is killed by Orlick.