How is Jack presented in Lord of the Flies?

How is Jack presented in Lord of the Flies?

In Lord of the Flies, Jack is portrayed as a jealous, childish bully who completely loses control. From the beginning, Jack is rather full of himself. He’s the leader of the choir boys, and because he can sing high C, he believes he should be chief. He is embarrassed and angry when the boys vote for Ralph as chief.

How is Jack presented in Chapter 3 of Lord of the Flies?

In the beginning of chapter 3 of Lord of the Flies, Golding describes Jack as being a tenacious, if arrogant, hunter. Physically speaking, he is described as having sandy hair, lots of freckles, a sunburn, and blue eyes.

How does Jack use his power to manipulate the group?

Jack uses the beast as a tool to manipulate the other boys by establishing the beast as his tribe’s common enemy and to gain more supporters. Jack uses fear to control the other boys and to manipulate people to his own advantage.

What does the reader learn about Jack when he slashes the green candle buds?

The reader learns that Jack has a curious, but also destructive side to him when he slashes the green candle buds. Jack’s performance with the candle bud is his first act of destruction on the island, quick and deadly, foreshadowing his eventual descent into a savage hunter.

Why does Jack hesitate to kill the piglet?

Jack hesitates to kill the pig because of the enormity associated with taking the life of a creature and the massive amount of blood involved in the ordeal. Although Jack wishes to be viewed as a strong, fearless hunter, he cannot force himself to bring the knife down to kill the pig.

What will Jack do if someone interferes?

9,11 – What will Jack do if someone interferes with him? He will order the hunters to kill them.

What name did Ralph call Jack that infuriated him?

Summary and Analysis Chapter 11 – Castle Rock. Seeing the twins bound, Ralph’s language gets to the heart of the matter quickly. He shouts at Jack, calling him “a beast and a swine and a bloody, bloody thief!” This emotional accusation is in fact truthful.

Why does Jack paint his face Group of answer choices?

Initially, Jack paints his face in order to hide himself better from the pigs he’s hunting. He concludes that the pigs can’t smell him, but they can clearly see him as he stalks them, and so he needs a sort of camouflage. Later, the mask takes on added significance because it hides Jack from the other boys as well.

What do the Twins think they see which frightens them while they are guarding the fire?

Who is guarding the fire that gets scared? What do the twins think they see that frightens them while on fire duty? What did the twins REALLY see while guarding the fire? “Fear can’t hurt you any more than a dream.

Why did Jack want to kill Ralph?

Hover for more information. In the novel Lord of the Flies, Jack Merridew wants to kill Ralph in chapter 12 because he has undergone the same slow and gradual breakdown of civilization that has affected all of the boys.

Who Killed Simon?

When Simon appears and attempts to explain the true identity of the beast, the boys mistake him for the beast itself and attack and kill him. Later, Piggy tries to deny that he and Ralph were involved in Simon’s murder, but Ralph insists on acknowleging that they participated.

Does Jack kill Ralph?

Jack must destroy Ralph for savagery to prevail over civilization. In the jungle, Ralph comes upon the skull of a pig hung on a spear staked into the ground. He punches it and the skull splits.

What are Piggy’s last words?

His last words are, “Which is better, law and rescue, or hunting and breaking things up?” Piggy has represented the thinker, the intellect, throughout the story.

Why does Ralph start to cry at the end of the novel?

Hover for more information. At the end of the novel Lord of the Flies, Ralph cries. He cries for the loss of innocence of the boys on the island. Ralph cries because he realizes that he almost dies at the hand of Jack and Roger.

What is Piggy’s real name?


Who did Piggy kill?


Who all dies in LOTF?

Overall, the littlun with the mulberry-colored birthmark, Simon, and Piggy die on the island before the British Navy arrives. The boy with the mulberry birthmark dies at the beginning of the novel when the original fire gets out of control.

What page did piggy die on?

Summary of Piggy’s Death. Piggy’s death occurs in Chapter 11 of Lord of the Flies. At the beginning of the chapter, Piggy’s glasses are still being held hostage by Jack’s tribe.

Why did they kill Simon?

What is the meaning behind Simon’s death? Simon is murdered by the other boys on the island, because they mistake him for the non-existent “beast.” The murder of this innocent “Christ” figure marks a point of no return and the beginning of real savagery on the island.

Who didnt kill Simon?

Simon is dead, killed by the other boys, and the next day only Ralph seems to feel any sense of responsibility or remorse for this act. While Simon’s death was an accident, Piggy’s was not. When Jack comes and steals Piggy’s glasses one night, Piggy has had enough.

How does Ralph kill Simon?

Shouting that he is the beast, the boys descend upon Simon and start to tear him apart with their bare hands and teeth. Simon tries desperately to explain what has happened and to remind them of who he is, but he trips and plunges over the rocks onto the beach. The boys fall on him violently and kill him.

What does Ralph say after killing Simon?

When Ralph says, “I’m frightened. Of us,” what does he mean that frightens him? He realizes that it was the savagery within themselves that caused him and them, to kill Simon. His realization of the savagery they are capable of is what frightens him.

Does Ralph regret killing Simon?

Ralph takes responsibility for participating in Simon’s murder, while Piggy begins to make excuses for their actions. Ralph realizes the extent of savagery on the island and is appalled that he partook in Simon’s murder.

Why was Ralph a bad leader?

While Ralph proves in many ways a thoughtful, charismatic, and effective leader, his leadership is flawed by his indecision and inability to think clearly in crucial moments. Ralph’s unwillingness to resort to fear tactics and violence to lead the boys also makes him ultimately ineffective as a leader.

How does Ralph feel the morning after Simon is killed?

Piggy asks him what he has said, and Ralph blurts out, “Simon.” They remain silent for a time, then Ralph goes over to the conch and picks it up. “What are we going to do?” he laughs nervously; he shivers. Piggy adamantly persists in calling Simon’s death and accident, but Ralph is changed forever.

What did Ralph say when he was murdered?

Who said, “That was murder.” (page 222) Why is it important? Ralph – Ralph acknowledges that the boys have killed Simon, one of their own, not the imaginary beast they believed they were attacking.

What does Simon’s death symbolize?

Simon is a symbolic Christ figure throughout the novel, and his death reflects Christ’s brutal crucifixion. Essentially, Simon’s death represents the loss of civility on the island and the point of no return.

What page is I’m frightened of us I want to go home Oh God I want to go home?

Look at page 157. Ralph sums up who the fearful beast is. “I’m frightened. Of us.

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