How is Mayella Ewell different from her family?
Mayella Ewell is the only person in her family who seems to take responsibility by taking care of the children. Unlike her father and brother, Mayella is portrayed as an innocent person in a terrible situation. She is not overtly rude like Burris, nor is she a violent alcoholic like her father.
How does mayella differ from her father and siblings what is her relationship like with her father?
Mayella and her father, Bob Ewell, are alike and different. The are different because Mayella tries to keep clean and healthy. She tries to take care fo the house and the kids. Bob, the father, does not care about keeping clean or taking care of the kids.
What does mayella say about her father?
When asked if her father has ever hit her, she says, “My paw’s never touched a hair o’ my head in my life.” Now, onto the reason we’re all here. Mayella claims this was the first time she’d ever invited Tom Robinson inside the fence.
How is mayella like a mixed child?
She compares her to the “mixed” children because the white people won’t have her because she is so trashy and lives near the blacks; the blacks won’t have her because she is white. She doesn’t fit in anywhere and has no friends. In your own words explain Mayella’s relationship with her father.
Why is mayella the loneliest person in the world?
Scout thinks that Mayella must be the loneliest person in the world because she spent a year saving money to send her brothers and sister out of the house just so she could spend a few hours with Tom. In your own words explain Mayella’s relationship with her father.
Why was Boo Radley never seen?
Maycomb residents have not seen Boo for many years; in fact many people have not seen him at all. This means that stories have spread about Boo’s apparently grotesque appearance and awful deeds. It is this sort of irresponsible gossip which has encouraged Scout, Jem and Dill to want to make Boo come out of his house.
What is Boo Radley really like?
In reality Boo Radley is actually a nice person. Boo is a nice person because he leaves things for Jem and Scout to find. Also he fixed and folded Jem’s pants when they had gone into his yard (58). So he is actually a good person but people do not get to see that side of him.
Who does Heck Tate say killed Mr Ewell?
At the end of To Kill a Mockingbird, Heck Tate decides to cover up the truth of how Bob Ewell died. Instead of publicly admitting that Arthur (Boo) Radley killed Ewell in an attempt to save Scout and Jem, the sheriff decides to lie and say that Bob Ewell fell on his own knife.
Why does Boo Radley save Jem and Scout?
Answer and Explanation: Boo Radley saves Jem and Scout because he sees himself as their self-assigned protector.
Who is the children’s attacker How does he die?
Who is the children’s attacker? How did he die? Mr. Ewell was the attacker and he died because he “fell on his knife”.
How does Scout know it is boo who comes to rescue them?
After walking Boo home, Scout notices something about Boo Radley. Just by standing on the porch, she understands why he protected her against Bob Ewell. She sees her childhood through his eyes.
Who are the four people under the tree To Kill a Mockingbird?
Scout is never actually able to see Boo, since her ham costume obscures her view, but she does realize that “It was now slowly coming to me that there were four people under the tree”–Jem, Scout and the two unidentified men (Boo and Bob Ewell).