How is Scout naive in To Kill a Mockingbird?

How is Scout naive in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Scout is Naive because, as you know, she’s only six. For example, right in the beginning of chapter 10 when it says that Scout and Jem asked him why he was so old, and he replied because i started late. Scout is tough because, that is simply the way she handles situations in which she is defending herself.

How is Scout’s view of folks naive According to JEM?

When Scout replies “Naw, Jem, I think there’s just one kind of folks. Folks,” she is revealing her own understanding of the world around her. she is not attempting to understand prejudice; she is accepting that it exists. this allows her to see that all people are one, no matter their background.

What is a quote that describes Scout in To Kill a Mockingbird?

“He’s as old as you, nearly,” I said. ” This quote describes Scout’s dress at the ladies’ auxiliary meeting. “I was wearing my pink Sunday dress, shoes, and a petticoat, and reflected that if I spilled anything Calpurnia would have to wash my dress again for tomorrow.”

Who was found guilty in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Tom Robinson

Does Tom die in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Tom Robinson was shot while trying to escape from prison. In a way, Bob Ewell killed Tom Robinson. He was the one who accused him of raping Mayella. Since Tom didn’t really do it, but the jury convicted him anyway, Tom Robinson’s death was partly Ewell’s fault.

Who do they blame for Tom’s death?

Underwood considered it a sin to kill cripples and is disgusted by Tom’s death. Scout goes on to mention that Maycomb’s community was only interested in Tom’s death for two days and blamed Tom’s death on his inherent ignorance and lack of foresight.

How does Mr Underwood react to Tom’s death?

As was mentioned in the previous post, Mr. Underwood voiced his opinion in the editorial section of his paper The Maycomb Tribune. He felt that it was simply a sin to kill cripples, and likened Tom’s death to the senseless slaughter of songbirds.

Why does Atticus interrupt Aunt Alexandra’s Tea?

Why does Atticus interrupt Aunt Alexandra’s tea? Because Tom has been shot dead trying to escape prison. How does Tom’s death affect Maycomb? They stay interested for about two days and then forget all about it.

What news does Atticus come home with?

Aunt Alexandra, Scout and Miss Maudie wind up in the kitchen to see why Atticus is home so early. The reason he’s home is because he wants to get Calpurnia to accompany him to the Robinson home to break the sad news to Helen that Tom was killed in prison.

What is the purpose of Aunt Alexandra’s Tea Party?

In Chapter 24 of To Kill a Mockingbird, Aunt Alexandra’s tea party is ostensibly for the purpose of discussion of the missionary objectives of the ladies of the Maycomb Alabama Methodist Episcopal Church South.

Why does Aunt Alexandra not want scout with Walter Cunningham?

Alexandra doesn’t want Scout playing with Walter Cunningham. Why not? Aunt Alexandra doesn’t want Scout to play with Walter because he is “trash”. Jem said, “I think I’m begging to understand why Boo Radley’s stayed shut up in the house all this time…it’s because he wants to stay inside.” Why does he say that?

How does Atticus explain what Tom did?

How does Atticus explain what Tom did? Atticus describes Tom’s death by saying it was like killing a mockingbird. 8.

How does Miss Stephanie embellish what happened to Atticus?

How does Miss Stephanie embellish what happened to Atticus? She was being too dramatic about it. She added more and she over-exaggerated the story. She means that Atticus should be more cautious because Bob Ewell could do something really bad to him.

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