How is Shylock presented in The Merchant of Venice?
Shylock is the antagonist and a tragic character in William Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice. A Jewish merchant living in a Christian city, he comes across as greedy, jealous and vengeful. As opposed to his anti-Semitic nemesis and fellow businessman, Antonio, Shylock charges interest on his loans.
Why Shylock is a victim essay?
Shylock is a victim of harassment by the Christians, a victim of betrayal by his own daughter, and a victim of prejudice because he had to give up his religion due to wanting Antonio’s flesh. In this play, The Merchant of Venice, Shylock is the victim, because he is mistreated.
Is Shylock the villain or victim?
Shylock is a combination of both victim and villain in The Merchant of Venice. He is a victim of discrimination and mistreated by Antonio and his daughter, Jessica. Shylock’s greedy, vengeful nature is what makes him a villain, which helps drive the plot of the play.
What is the story of Shylock?
Published in 1596, The Merchant of Venice tells the story of Shylock, a Jew, who lends money to Antonio on the condition that he get to cut off a pound of Antonio’s flesh if he defaults on the loan. Antonio borrows the money for his friend Bassanio, who needs it to court the wealthy Portia.
Why Is Shylock a villain?
Shylock created a bond that stated if Antonio did not pay Shylock back, Shylock was able to cut out a pound of Antonio’s flesh. -Shylock is seen as the villain of the play because he has Antonio sign a bond that primarily focuses on the pound of flesh that Shylock wanted to cut from Antonio.
What did Shylock do?
Shylock is a Jew who lends money to his Christian rival Antonio, setting the security at a pound of Antonio’s flesh. In the end – due to the efforts of Antonio’s well-wisher, Portia – Shylock is charged with attempted murder of a Christian, carrying a possible death penalty, and Antonio is freed without punishment.
What does Duke expect from Shylock?
How does to Duke expect Shylock to conduct himself in regard to the demand of a pound of flesh? Answer: The Duke thinks that Shylock will exempt Antonio from the penalty of a pound of flesh. He will also remit a part of the principal amount of the loan of three thousand ducats.
Why was Shylock stripped of his possession?
Why is Shylock stripped of his possessions? Because he tried to murder or harm a christian. Apart from the financial conditions , what does Antonio’s new arrangement demand of Shylock? He doubles his money and Antonio does not lose one pound of flesh, and half of the money goes to Jessica.
Did Shylock receive fair trials?
Shylock does not receive a fair trial. The Duke, who acts as judge, shows immediate bias when he describes Shylock.
Do you sympathize with Shylock explain why?
I sympathise with Shylock after the court case because he loses everyone he loved and everything that he worked for. First he was unable to receive his bond because the whole court conspired against him. He was then ordered to convert to a Christian so he lost his identity.
How does Shylock earn our sympathy?
The most obvious source of sympathy for Shylock is that he is part of a despised minority, treated with contempt and loathing on the basis of his religion. As a Jew in an overwhelmingly Christian city, Shylock is subjected to all kinds of humiliating restrictions, both legal and social.
What elements of Shylock’s portrayal create sympathy for his character in The Merchant of Venice?
To that extent, what happens to Shylock because he is a Jew makes him a sympathetic character. Second, he is a father whose daughter elopes without his permission and with his money; both of these things certainly create some sympathy for Shylock.
Is Shylock a merchant?
Shylock is a Jewish moneylender in Venice. The merchants, such as Antonio, curse and spit at Shylock because they believe this way of making money is immoral. They also seem to despise him for his culture and religion.
What is the conclusion of The Merchant of Venice?
The Merchant of Venice has been written by famous dramatist William Shakespeare,conclusion of this drama is that if you are a good person and always ready to help the needy person then you are loved by everyone and everyone will help you in your need even god will do all his best to help you to make a safe passage for …
How is love presented in The Merchant of Venice?
Parental love is presented through Portia’s father and Launcelot and Old Gobbo. Then, of course there is the romantic love that we see in the relationships between Bassanio and Portia, Nerissa and Gratiano, and Jessica and Lorenzo. All of these can be contrasted with the hatred between Shylock and Antonio.
Who says love is blind in The Merchant of Venice?