How long are senators allowed to serve?

How long are senators allowed to serve?

A Senate term is six years long, so senators may choose to run for reelection every six years unless they are appointed or elected in a special election to serve the remainder of a term.

What happens if a representative seat becomes vacant?

“When vacancies happen in the Representation from any State, the Executive Authority thereof shall issue Writs of Election to fill such Vacancies.” House vacancies can be caused by death, resignation, declination, withdrawal, or House action, but the Constitution requires that they be filled by election.

What happens when a senator is censured?

Members of Congress who have been censured are required to give up any committee chairs they hold. Like a reprimand, a censure does not remove a member from their office so they retain their title, stature, and power to vote. There are also no legal consequences that come with a reprimand or censure.

What is Article 1 Section 3 of the Constitution about?

The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present.

What does the 14th Amendment Section 3 mean?

Amendment XIV, Section 3 prohibits any person who had gone to war against the union or given aid and comfort to the nation’s enemies from running for federal or state office, unless Congress by a two-thirds vote specifically permitted it.

How old must a person be to be a senator?

The Constitution sets three qualifications for service in the U.S. Senate: age (at least thirty years of age); U.S. citizenship (at least nine years); and residency in the state a senator represents at time of election.

Who can become a US Senator?

The Constitution prescribes that the Senate be composed of two senators from each State (therefore, the Senate currently has 100 Members) and that a senator must be at least thirty years of age, have been a citizen of the United States for nine years, and, when elected, be a resident of the State from which he or she …

What does a congressman do?

Also referred to as a congressman or congresswoman, each representative is elected to a two-year term serving the people of a specific congressional district. Among other duties, representatives introduce bills and resolutions, offer amendments and serve on committees.

How much money do you need for a congressional campaign?

Federal contribution limits

Candidate Committee National Party Committee
Individual $2,800 per election $35,500 per year
Candidate Committee $2,000 per election Unlimited Transfers
PAC – Multicandidate $5,000 per election $15,000 per year

Where do politicians get their campaign contributions?

Under the presidential public funding program, eligible presidential candidates receive federal government funds to pay for the qualified expenses of their political campaigns in both the primary and general elections.

Can presidential candidates pay themselves a salary?

The candidate may receive a salary from his or her campaign committee only under the following conditions: The first payment of salary shall be made no sooner than the filing deadline for access to the primary election ballot in the state in which the candidate is running for office.

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