How long can you drive with bad O2 sensor?

How long can you drive with bad O2 sensor?

Sensors typically last from 30,000 miles to more than 100,000 miles. Driving with a bad O2 sensor is like avoiding going to the dentist. You will cause damage to your car, just as you would cause damage to your teeth by avoiding the dentist.

Does Jiffy Lube replace oxygen sensors?

Some of these engine light repairs might be avoided with preventive vehicle maintenance such as Air Filtration Services from Jiffy Lube….Avoid Check Engine Light Repairs and Save Money with Preventive Vehicle Maintenance.

Type of Repair: Cost: Frequency:
Replace Oxygen Sensor $259.30 7.10%

Why are oxygen sensors so expensive?

Mainly because it is an aftermarket component that does not need replacing very often. Manufacturers of lambda sensors will have their prices squeezed until the pips squeak by the auto companies; I would guess that a the wholesale bulk price they get is about $5 per unit, maybe less.

Do cheap O2 sensors work?

Under $50: Most oxygen sensors within this price range will work well with most cars but won’t offer the durability that comes with the high-end versions. They may offer a service life of only 20,000 to 40,000 miles.

Can you clean the oxygen sensor?

There are no true oxygen sensor cleaners that are safe to put through your engine. While some people choose to remove them and use a wire brush or an aerosol cleaner to remove deposits, we do not recommend trying to clean O2 sensors.

What is the best O2 sensor to buy?

But our top pick for you is Denso 234-9005 Oxygen Sensors. DENSO is the best-selling brand in the world of oxygen sensors. They are highly durable as they can run 60,000 miles before you need to replace them and provide you with the maximum efficient performance of all the brands we have mentioned here.

Which oxygen sensor is better Bosch or Denso?

A lot of Asian-made vehicles come with Denso as OEM, actually. Bosch oxygen sensors are a better fit for European vehicles. The brand’s sensors are also thicker, “fatter” than other aftermarket manufacturers. In many cases, they are also cheaper.

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