
How long did it take the Walls family to get from Phoenix to Welch?

How long did it take the Walls family to get from Phoenix to Welch?

It takes them two months to get to Welch, West Virginia, deep in the Appalachian Mountains. The family pulls up to an old house and meets Dad’s mother, Erma, as well as Grandpa and Uncle Stanley. Uncle Stanley hugs and kisses Jeannette more than she would like.

What is unusual about Maureen in the glass castle?

Maureen is the youngest of the family. We know little about her, because it seems that Jeannette doesn’t understand her baby sister. Maureen’s the oddball of the family. Maureen shows us that different people growing up in the same environment will all turn out differently.

What happened at the zoo in the glass castle?

First, Dad’s refusal to accept society’s attitude toward wild animals as things to be controlled, leads to a magical moment for Jeannette when she gets to touch a captive cheetah. The zoo scene shows that Dad’s faith in himself can indeed lead him to do some of the extraordinary things he imagines.

Why did Rex start drinking again?

What was caused him to start drinking again after that and why? For her birthday, Jeanette asks the dad to stop drinking, which made him realize that he is a failure to the family. They convinced him to come by telling him that “he’s the dad of the family” and making him feel wanted and useful.

Was Rex walls a good father?

This makes him alternately a fantastic dad, and an incredibly irresponsible one. Once the family settles in Welch, Dad seems to embrace irresponsibility and spends his days drinking and gambling. However, he continues to want to be self-sufficient, and never accepts charity from others—even his kids.

What does it mean to escape Rex Walls style?

“Rex Walls —style”, means they’re leaving without paying the bill. They came running out with Dad’s arm around Mom’s shoulders. Mom was cradling a bundle in her arms and giggling sort of guiltily, like she’d stolen a candy bar from a dime store. I figured they had checked out Rex Walls–style.

Why does the Walls family leave Las Vegas?

The family has to leave Las Vegas after the casino owners discover Rex has been cheating at the blackjack table. They settle for a time in San Francisco until the hotel they are living in catches fire. That Christmas, the family has no money because Rex is fired from his mining job after arguing with the foreman.

What were Jeannette’s favorite rocks to find what did these rocks look like?

Jeannette starts a rock collection of various precious rocks and minerals which she discovers. A collection of garnets, granite, obsidian Mexican crazy lace and turquoise. But her favourite rock is the geode.

How does the walls financial situation improve for a time in Phoenix?

How does the Walls’ financial situation improve for a time in Phoenix? They inherit money from the grandma and the parents get jobs.

What do geode rocks look like?

Geodes are rocks that are hollow inside, rather than solid all the way through. Geodes are generally round, though some are egg-shaped. When broken or cut open, geodes reveal a lining of crystals or other materials inside. Many of these crystals can be quite beautiful, such as the purple quartz known as amethyst.

Who is the oldest child in the Walls family?


Why was Jeannette so angry after the child welfare man left?

Why was Jeannette so angry after the child-welfare man left? She found food in the garbage can that other kids threw away. She and Brian ate pokeweed that grew behind their house every day. She traded babysitting for food stamps.

What does Lori say after Erma’s death?

After the funeral, Lori says “Ding dong the witch is dead,” causing Dad to lose his temper and run away for four days. Erma’s house burns down that same winter because Uncle Stanley fell asleep with a cigarette in his hand.

How does Erma die?

Erma Wells dies that winter. Rose Mary believes that her alcoholism was responsible for her death and consequently defines her death as suicide.

How does Lori get out of Welch?

How did Lori get to escape anyway? Jeannette’s babysitting clients invited her to come with their family to Iowa for the summer in exchange for $200 and a bus ticket back to Welch. Jeannette suggests the family takes Lori instead and to send her to NY instead of Welch.

What did Rex use to fix the neighbors TV?

macaroni noodle

Why does Rex leave the job that has been arranged for him?

Why does Rex leave the job that has been arranged for him in Part 4? To go back for the warmth and to see the dog.

How do Rex and Rose Mary end up homeless in NYC?

The couple is kicked out of two apartments before they begin living in Lori’s home. However, Lori is fed up by her father’s drunken fits and her mother’s aloofness and she is forced to kick them out of the apartment. Rex and Rose Mary live in the van for a time until it is towed. They become homeless.

What does Rex think of Brian’s career as a police officer?

What does Rex think of Brian’s career as a police officer? Rex think that Brian is now on the police side which for him is the bad one and against him. when Brian was a child he was really protective of Jeannette.

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