How long did Santiago go before catching the marlin?

How long did Santiago go before catching the marlin?

84 days

How many days did it take Santiago to catch a fish in the novel The Old Man and the Sea ‘?

How long did it take the old man to catch the fish?

three weeks

How does Santiago justify killing the Marlin?

Why or why not? Santiago justifies killing the marlin by saying that it is the natural order of things, “You were born to be a fisherman as the fish was born to be a fish.” (105) He continues to justify his actions by stating, “You loved him when he was alive and you loved him after.

Why did Santiago quit arm wrestling so soon?

Santiago won a few more matches, felt he could beat anyone, and then decided to give up arm wrestling because it might harm his right hand for fishing. He had tried his left, but “his left hand had always been a traitor and would not do what he called on it to do and he did not trust it.”

How did Santiago drive away the sharks?

Santiago uses all his strength to fight them off with his oar and club, and finally, when those have been lost, he breaks off the tiller of his skiff and uses that to club the sharks. But by the time he kills or drives off all the sharks, no meat remains on the marlin.

Why does Santiago want the fish to jump?

Santiago hopes that the fish will jump, because its air sacs would fill and prevent the fish from going too deep into the water, which would make it easier to pull out.

What does Santiago do after killing the fish?

The old man thinks that the fish is killing him, and admires him for it, saying, “I do not care who kills who.” Eventually, he pulls the fish onto its side by the boat and plunges his harpoon into it. The fish lurches out of the water, brilliantly and beautifully alive as it dies.

What part of his body does Santiago not trust?

left hand

What does Santiago think has a hard life?

Why does Santiago like the flying fish? What does Santiago think has a hard life? Santiago knew that he must aim for a certain part of the fish with his harpoon.

Does Santiago die?

At the end of the novel The Old Man and the Sea, the main character Santiago possibly dies, but Hemingway makes it unclear. Most sources say that Hemingway means the last scene in a literal way; therefore, they say he does not actually die.

Why does Santiago compare himself to the sea turtles?

Santiago also says he has a heart like the turtle’s, that will “beat for hours after he has been cut up and butchered.” Both the turtle and Santiago symbolize what is hard and impenetrable on the outside but pulses beneath the surface with hidden, stubborn life (hearts that won’t stop beating).

How big is the marlin that Santiago catches?

eighteen feet

What things did Santiago use to fight off the sharks?

What things did Santiago use to fight off the sharks? His harpoon, an oar with a knife on it, and his club.

How big was the marlin in Old Man and the Sea?


What is the moral of Old Man and the Sea?

A man continues to do whatever he must do to the best of his ability, no matter what tribulations befall him. While challenges and setbacks can strip a man of all outward signs of success, still his spirit can remain undefeated. For it can will a man to never give up and to keep on trying.

How old is Manolin?

Manolin. A boy presumably in his adolescence, Manolin is Santiago’s apprentice and devoted attendant. The old man first took him out on a boat when he was merely five years old. Due to Santiago’s recent bad luck, Manolin’s parents have forced the boy to go out on a different fishing boat.

Where were the old man’s most severe injuries located?

As Santiago reflects more on pain and death, especially because the source of most of his pain is the injuries on his palms, the meaning of Santiago’s injuries takes on a symbolic significance.

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