How long do I have to dispute a GPC transaction?

How long do I have to dispute a GPC transaction?

45 days

What are three examples of misuse of the government purchase card?

Examples of misuse include: (1) purchases that exceed the cardholder’s limit; (2) purchases not authorized by the agency; (3) purchases for which no funding exists; (4) purchases for personal consumption; (5) purchases that do not comply with the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and/or other applicable procurement …

How many days does a cardholder have to dispute an unauthorized purchase card transaction?

60 days

When using a government purchase card which of the following is a prohibited purchase?

5.04 Prohibited Purchases The purchase card must not be used for the following: • Long-term rental or lease of land or buildings of any type. Purchases of travel (airline, bus, boat, or train tickets) or travel-related expenses. Cash advances.

Which three of the following are cardholder responsibilities in the GPC program?

Cardholders are responsible for maintaining proper documentation regarding the GPC, such as: Written requests, ● Funding availability, ● Purchase log, ● Local purchase authority, and ● Property book procedures as appropriate.

Which three of the following are cardholder considerations before purchase?

Before purchasing, cardholders must take into consideration the following:

  • Determine if any special approvals or requirements are needed. These may include mandatory sources of an item.
  • Obtain approval from the Agency/Organisation Program Coordinator.
  • Ensure adequate funds are available.

What is the first step to follow when a cardholder?

what is the first step to follow when a cardholder becomes aware of a lost or stolen card or check? Determine when and where the card/checks were last used.

What are three pieces of information that should be included in the cardholder purchase log?

Bids must include the vendor or catalog name, catalog page number (if applicable), product number, and item price. Cardholders must maintain a file for bid information and Sole Source Justification statements for audit purposes. Each log entry is composed of one line with six data fields applicable to an order.

Which three of the following are advantages of using the governmentwide?

Which three of the following are advantages of using the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card? Earn refunds

  • Increased information.
  • Quicker payments.
  • Increased funding.

What are the advantages of using the GPC?

What are the benefits of GPC to SME’s?

  • Prompt payments in line with Government initiatives.
  • Improved cash flow.
  • Reduces bad debt and late payments.
  • Reduced administrative costs.

What are three examples of abuse of the GCPC?

Purchases made by individuals other than the authorized cardholder. Purchases by individuals not trained. Making purchases and returning them to the merchant for cash or merchant credit slips (credit must be issued against same card on which purchase was made).

Which three of the following are cardholder responsibilities in the Governmentwide commercial purchase card program?

The Cardholder is responsible for the following: 1. Completing all required training prior to being issued a Purchase Card. 2. Purchasing goods or services in accordance with established Department policy, procurement regulations, and individual internal office procedures.

What can you purchase with a government wide purchase card?

The Governmentwide purchase card may be used to (1) Make micro-purchases; (2) Place a task or delivery order (if authorized in the basic contract, basic ordering agreement, or blanket purchase agreement; or (3) Make payments, when the contractor agrees to accept payment by the card.

Who is responsible for making regular reviews of existing?

SUPERVISORS-must make regular reviews of existing cardholders and their monthly spending limits to insure that the monthly spending limits are appropriate for the expected purchasing activity. #1.

What is the first step to follow when a cardholder becomes aware of a lost or stolen card or check?

FALSE 29. The term fraud includes unauthorized actions by both Cardholders and Merchants. TRUE 30. The first step to follow when a Cardholder becomes aware of a lost or stolen card or check is to examine his or her statement of account to determine whether there are any disputable charges.

What are the three external frauds?

External fraud by suppliers includes: • Short or inferior supply of goods. Payment for services and goods not supplied. Kickbacks for biased selection of suppliers. Payments to bogus vendors for false claims.

What must the cardholder do to become qualified to make GPC purchases up to $25 000?

To qualify for making GPC purchases up to $25,000 outside the U.S. and its jurisdiction, the CH can be located within the United States as long as the merchant and supply/delivery execution is outside the United States and its jurisdiction.

What is the single purchase limit for GPC?


Can cardholders be granted authority to use their GPC accounts to make payments against contracts?

Cardholders may be granted authority to use their Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card accounts to make payments against contracts. Every Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Cardholder should be issued both a card and convenience checks.

Which of the following is an agreement that is not binding solely?

Unauthorized commitment

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