How long does diarrhea last with flu B?

How long does diarrhea last with flu B?

Diarrhea may persist longer, for up to 10 days, after the disappearance of other symptoms. Even if you are feeling better and even if your symptoms subside, you can be still contagious from a few days up to two weeks or more, depending on which virus caused your stomach flu.

Does Type A flu cause diarrhea?

The fever and aches usually stop in a few days. But the sore throat, cough, stuffy nose, and tiredness may go on for a week or more. The flu also can cause vomiting, belly pain, and diarrhea.

Can the flu affect your bowels?

Human influenza viruses replicate almost exclusively in the respiratory tract, yet infected individuals may also have gastrointestinal symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea.

Does the flu mess with your stomach?

What Are the Symptoms of Stomach Flu? They can include: Cramps in your belly or sides. Stomach pain.

What are the stages of the flu?

What to expect with the flu

  • Days 1–3: Sudden appearance of fever, headache, muscle pain and weakness, dry cough, sore throat and sometimes a stuffy nose.
  • Day 4: Fever and muscle aches decrease. Hoarse, dry or sore throat, cough and possible mild chest discomfort become more noticeable.
  • Day 8: Symptoms decrease.

How long does flu B last?

For most healthy people, the flu is an uncomfortable but short-term illness that resolves itself as the immune system fights it off. Symptoms usually appear from one to four days after exposure to the virus, and they last five to seven days.

What gets rid of flu fast?

Give these a try today.

  1. Stay home and get plenty of rest. Mind your flu manners.
  2. Drink plenty of fluids. Make sure you get more liquids.
  3. Treat aches and fever. Got fever?
  4. Take care of your cough. Over-the-counter treatments can calm your hack.
  5. Sit in a steamy bathroom.
  6. Run the humidifier.
  7. Try a lozenge.
  8. Get salty.

When is the flu the worst?

The exact timing and duration of flu seasons can vary, but influenza activity often begins to increase in October. Most of the time flu activity peaks between December and February, although activity can last as late as May.

How long is flu contagious?

Period of Contagiousness People with flu are most contagious in the first 3-4 days after their illness begins. Some otherwise healthy adults may be able to infect others beginning 1 day before symptoms develop and up to 5 to 7 days after becoming sick.

When do you start feeling better with the flu?

In general, healthy people usually get over a cold in 7 to 10 days. Flu symptoms, including fever, should go away after about 5 days, but you may still have a cough and feel weak a few days longer. All your symptoms should be gone within 1 to 2 weeks.

What is the incubation for the flu?

The incubation period of influenza is usually two days but can range from one to four days. What are the symptoms of influenza? Typical influenza disease is characterized by sudden onset of fever, aching muscles, sore throat, and non- productive cough.

Which flu is worse flu A or B?

Type A influenza is generally considered worse than type B influenza. This is because the symptoms are often more severe in type A influenza than in type B influenza. Type A influenza is more common than type B influenza. Researchers suggest that most adults have considerable immunity against type B influenza.

How do you avoid getting the flu when your family has it?

By practicing a few simple rules at home, you can help keep your family healthy and prevent the flu from spreading.

  1. Get vaccinated.
  2. Cover coughs and sneezes.
  3. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  4. Wash your hands often.
  5. Limit contact with family members who are ill.
  6. Clean your home.
  7. Practice healthy habits.

Should I take Tamiflu if exposed to flu?

It’s best to take Tamiflu with food—there is less chance of stomach upset if you take it with a light snack or a meal. If you have already been exposed to the flu, but you don’t have any symptoms, you can take Tamiflu for up to 6 weeks to help prevent you from getting sick.

Is Expired Tamiflu still effective?

Therefore, after June 23, 2010, the emergency use of certain expired lots of Tamiflu and Relenza will no longer be authorized under the EUAs. If they have Tamiflu or Relenza in their homes with expired date, they should discard the product.

Why is Tamiflu controversial?

The benefits of Tamiflu had been overstated and the harms were hidden. It took years to figure this out. The biggest scandal here is that Roche broke no laws by withholding or slow-pedaling their data. To this day, details from clinical trials, especially those sponsored by drug companies, never see the light of day.

Who shouldnt take Tamiflu?

People at risk of complications from the flu because their immune system doesn’t work well. children younger than 2 years. adults 65 years and older. people with diabetes, asthma or heart disease.

What countries is Tamiflu banned in?

Japan officials said the anti-flu drug Tamiflu should not be given to teenagers, after two boys aged 12 and 16 broke their legs jumping from the second floor of their houses.

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