How long does it take for an article to appear in Scopus?

How long does it take for an article to appear in Scopus?

four days

How long is a case report?

The word count for case report may vary from one journal to another, but generally should not exceed 1500 words, therefore, your final version of the report should be clear, concise, and focused, including only relevant information with enough details.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of case report and case series?

Advantages and disadvantages of case reports and case studies

Advantages Disadvantages
One case to initiate a signal (case report) No control (uncontrolled)
Provide stronger evidence with multiple cases (cases series) Difficult to compare different cases
Observational Cases may not be generalizable
Educational Selection bias

How do you review a case report?

7 top tips for reviewing a clinical manuscript

  1. Follow the basic principles of peer review.
  2. Keep the target audience in mind.
  3. Look for a well-organized structure.
  4. Consider the application to professional practice.
  5. Establish the elements of the case study.
  6. Watch out for conflicts of interest.

How do you critically review a case study?

Before you begin writing, follow these guidelines to help you prepare and understand the case study:

  1. Read and examine the case thoroughly. Take notes, highlight relevant facts, underline key problems.
  2. Focus your analysis. Identify two to five key problems.
  3. Uncover possible solutions.
  4. Select the best solution.

What is a case review?

A case review is held at least 30 days after the defendant pleads not guilty. Its purpose is to determine whether the charge can be resolved without the need for a trial. A court registrar usually conducts the case review, rather than a judge.

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