How long does it take for military spouse to get green card?

How long does it take for military spouse to get green card?

How long is the process? Depending on the process you’ll follow, you can expect to wait 10–38 months, not including possible delays. The process generally takes longer for spouses of green card holders — who must wait for a “visa number” before applying — than for spouses of U.S. citizens.

Is a spouse considered a dependent for Bah?

BAH Benefits For Married Troops Consider the “with dependents rate” for BAH (the military housing allowance–a higher amount of housing money paid to the service member with one or more dependents. For this purpose, a spouse is considered a “dependent”, technically speaking).

Do spouses of reservist get military ID?

Normally, Reserve Component family members and other dependents receive a DD Form 1173-1, the DOD Guard and Reserve Family Member ID card. These ID cards do not authorize eligibility for medical benefits.

Can military spouse claim residency any state?

The Military Spouses Residency Relief Act allows military spouses to declare the same state of legal residency as their spouse. The service member is stationed under military orders in a state that is not his/her resident state. The spouse is in that state solely to live with the service member.

What is military spouse tax exemption?

So, if you meet the requirements of the Military Spouses Residency Relief Act, both your income and the military income earned by your spouse in the military are free from taxation in the duty station state. Both spouses are subject to tax (income and property) in their home states.

How do I change my state of residence to a military spouse?

The spouse must be able to show that she/he had the domicile before moving into a different state, and the spouse must be able to prove that the domicile existed by going through the new state’s existing list of facts and circumstances, or “proofs of intention.” The military spouse must maintain their domicile.

What benefits do military spouses get?

As a husband or wife of a service member, you get to be an active participant in the military family. You are also eligible for many benefits, including health care, shopping privileges on base and access to base recreation facilities and other programs.

Are military spouses exempt from state taxes?

A military spouse is exempt from paying state income taxes when he or she: a. Lives in a state that is different from his or her permanent residence; However, the spouse will have to pay tax to the state of residence, assuming that state has an income tax.

Do military spouses have to change their license?

It’s the big question: do I need to get a new driver’s license when we PCS to a new state? The good news is that most of the time the answer is no. The bad news is that there are still states that don’t give exemptions to military spouses.

Can military spouses collect unemployment?

For military spouses, frequent moves often means leaving behind fulfilling employment. As a military spouse you may qualify for unemployment benefits if you have to leave your job due to a PCS move.

Can I join the Army with no drivers license?

No you do not need a driver’s license to enlist in the military, a state issued ID card, social security card or passport will suffice if you don’t have a driver’s license.

Which states offer instate tuition for military dependents?

California. Qualifying military dependents may be eligible for a waiver of statewide tuition and fees (excluding books, housing, and meals) for California State University, University of California, and any State of California community college.

Do military spouses get free college?

MyCAA (Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts) Member: This Tuition Assistance program provides up to $4,000 (over 2 years) of Financial Assistance for military spouses who are pursuing a license, certification, or Associate’s degree in a portable career field and occupation. …

How can I avoid paying out of state tuition?

Here are some tips that will help make going to an out-of-state college more affordable:

  1. Attend a state school in an “academic common market”
  2. Become a resident of the state.
  3. Seek waivers.
  4. Military members and their dependents can attend state schools at the in-state tuition cost.
  5. Talk to the financial aid office.

Can grandchildren get military benefits?

Grandchildren are not considered military dependents, according to the DoD, and only military dependents can receive benefits. That means your grandson cannot access healthcare or use on-base childcare or recreation classes that require him to be registered to use.

How much money do military widows get?

The death gratuity program provides for a special tax free payment of $100,000 to eligible survivors of members of the Armed Forces, who die while on active duty or while serving in certain reserve statuses. The death gratuity is the same regardless of the cause of death.

Can a grandchild use the Hazlewood Act?

In certain circumstances, a grandchild may qualify for Hazlewood or Hazlewood Legacy benefits. The grandchild should only receive benefits if the qualified veteran grandparent or surviving spouse is raising or raised the grandchild as a child or in loco parentis.

At what age does the Hazlewood Act expire?

The free tuition benefit would also expire 15 years after the veteran was honorably discharged, meaning a child born after his or her parent left the military wouldn’t qualify. If passed, the bill would go into effect next school year. Anyone currently receiving the benefit would continue to be eligible.

Who qualifies for the Hazlewood Act?

In order to be eligible to receive a Hazlewood Act Exemption, a veteran must prove that he or she was a Texas resident at the time of entry into military service, entered the service in the State of Texas, or declared Texas as his or her home of record in the manner provided by the military or other service.

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