How long does it take to publish a paper in Nature?

How long does it take to publish a paper in Nature?

At Nature, the median review time has grown from 85 days to just above 150 days over the past decade, according to Himmelstein’s analysis, and at PLoS ONE it has risen from 37 to 125 days over roughly the same period.

How long does a journal review take?

The time it takes for a journal to get the review process completed varies across journals and fields. While some take a month or two, others can take up to 6 months or more. As you have correctly observed, Statistics/Mathematics journals usually take a longer time, and may at times, take even up to a year to complete.

Is Elsevier a nursing journal?

The latest Open Access articles published in Journal of Professional Nursing. Elsevier stands against racism and discrimination and fully supports the joint commitment for action in inclusion and diversity in publishing.

What is a professional nursing journal?

Journal of Practical and Professional Nursing (ISSN: 2639-5681) focuses to promote excellence in nursing and health care through the dissemination of evidence-based, peer-reviewed clinical information and original research, discussion of relevant and controversial professional issues, adherence to the standards of …

What is considered a nursing journal?

As such writings are designed to focus on research and evidence based information, they offer a timely forum for presenting, reviewing, criticizing, and communicating about nursing issues. Nursing journals do include general publications of interest to all those working in the nursing field.

What are the best nursing journals?

10 Best Publications for Nurses

  • American Nurse Today.
  • Nursing Made Incredibly Easy.
  • The American Nurse.
  • The Open Nursing Journal.
  • International Journal of Nursing.
  • Applied Nursing Research.
  • Clinical Simulation in Nursing.

Is Nursing Made Incredibly Easy a journal?

The Nursing made Incredibly Easy! The mission of this peer-reviewed journal is to meet the ongoing educational needs of nurses through the publication of information that presents challenging clinical concepts in a refreshingly original, easily understood format that engages nurses and gives them confidence.

What was the first nursing journal?

On March 6, 1886, the first nursing journal, The Nightingale was published, becoming the first nursing journal. In 1900, the American Journal of Nursing began publication, becoming the first nursing journal to be owned and operated by nurses.

What are peer-reviewed nursing journals?

To ensure a very high level of quality, articles that are submitted to scholarly journals undergo a process called peer-review. Once an article has been submitted for publication, it is reviewed by other independent, academic experts (at least two) in the same field as the authors. These are the peers.

How do you know if an article is peer reviewed?

If the article is from a printed journal, look at the publication information in the front of the journal. If the article is from an electronic journal, go to the journal home page and look for a link to ‘About this journal’ or ‘Notes for Authors’. Here it should tell you if the articles are peer-reviewed.

Is nursing a peer reviewed journal?

The American Journal of Nursing is the oldest and most honored broad-based nursing journal in the world. Peer reviewed and evidence-based, it is considered the profession’s premier journal.

Are peer reviews helpful?

Peer review allows students to clarify their own ideas as they explain them to classmates and as they formulate questions about their classmates’ writing. This is helpful to writers at all skill levels, in all classes, and at all stages of the writing process.

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