
How long does it take to write a 50000 word book?

How long does it take to write a 50000 word book?

Writing Time by Word Counts

Word Count Slow (5 wpm) Fast (60 wpm)
20,000 words 66.7 hours 333.3 minutes
25,000 words 83.3 hours 416.7 minutes
30,000 words 100.0 hours 8.3 hours
50,000 words 166.7 hours 13.9 hours

How long is a memoir?

Memoir word count tends to be right there in the same range as novel word count, or 60,000 to 80,000 words. Shorter than that, and you may not have enough substance to truly excite readers, you may not be going deeply enough into your story, or telling enough of it.

What are 3 characteristics of a memoir?

4 characteristics that define memoir

  • To be true. Memoirs are true stories.
  • A focus. A hodgepodge of unrelated anecdotes, or a litany of life events from birth to present day isn’t a memoir.
  • A transformation. Something needs to change, otherwise why will people read it?
  • An inner story that ties to something universal.

How do you end a memoir?

Write the end of a traumatic experience in your memoir by telling your reader how you emerged from the situation. If you write about an accident, let the reader know how you were changed by the experience, or how you survived and healed after your trip to the hospital.

How long is a short memoir?

2,000 to 5,000 words

How do you start a short memoir?

10 Tips for Starting a Memoir

  1. Engage the reader from the first word. A great memoir draws the reader in from the start.
  2. Build trust with the reader.
  3. Bring emotions out of the reader.
  4. Lead with a laugh.
  5. Open with a dramatic moment.
  6. Think like a fiction writer.
  7. Keep it relevant.
  8. Write for the reader as well as yourself.
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