How long is a flight from Edmonton to Russia?
9 hours, 57 minutes
How far is Moscow from Florida?
4643 miles
How many km is Russia from Canada?
6644.16 km
How far is Edmonton from the US border?
Distance from Edmonton, AB, Canada to Border, North Dakota, U.S. is 638Miles or 1027 Km. You can get this distance about 10 hours 15 mins.
What is the closest US city to Edmonton?
Edmonton (AB)
Closest Foreign Cities | KM |
Seattle (WA), United States of America | 909 |
Portland (OR), United States of America | 1,111 |
Denver (CO), United States of America | 1,664 |
San Francisco (CA), United States of America | 1,882 |
Is Edmonton Canada a good place to live?
Residents of Edmonton enjoy the highest average household income in Canada with an affordable cost of living. Taxes are lower, and there is no provincial sales tax (PST). On average, Edmontonians have more disposable income than most other Canadians. Edmonton also has the lowest gasoline and diesel prices in Canada.
Is it cheap to live in Edmonton?
Cost of Living Rent is on average 4.9 per cent lower than in Calgary, another major city in Alberta. Rent in Edmonton is affordable, as two-bedroom rental apartments typically range from $800 to $2,000 a month, depending on location and size.
Is Calgary colder than Edmonton?
Calgary offers extreme cold winters but, not as cold as Edmonton. Snow can be seen for more than 88 days annually in Edmonton, whereas Calgary experiences 65 days of snow depths. On the other side, Edmonton enjoys cool weather even in summers.
Where should I avoid in Edmonton?
Most Dangerous Neighborhoods In Edmonton, AB
- Maple Ridge. Population 1,976.
- Westview Village. Population 2,942.
- Yellowhead Corridor – East. Population 145.
- Winterburn Industrial Area West. Population 3,081.
- Abbottsfield. Population 1,633.
- Eastwood. Population 4,592.
- McCauley. Population 4,648.
- Mill Woods Town Centre. Population 1,421.