How long is Fort Hood to Houston?
There are 172.52 miles from Fort Hood to Houston in southeast direction and 233 miles (374.98 kilometers) by car, following the TX 6 S route. Fort Hood and Houston are 4 hours 34 mins far apart, if you drive non-stop .
Is Fort Hood Good?
Soldiers assigned to Fort Hood can expect to have one of the highest quality of life standards in the Army. New housing, quality medical care, thriving communities, recreation and schools combine to ensure that Fort Hood is the Great Place.
What part of Texas is Fort Hood At?
Section 107. Fort Hood. Fort Hood is located in southwestern Bell and southeastern Coryell counties in Central Texas. Most of the 218,000 acres owned by the United States Army is located in Coryell County.
What is Fort Bliss known for?
Located in El Paso, TX, Fort Bliss is home to the 1st Armored Division, which returned to US soil in 2011, after 40 years in Germany. Fort Bliss is comprised of approximately 1.12 million acres of land in Texas and New Mexico. Fort Bliss trained thousands of U.S. Soldiers during the Cold War.
Is Fort Bliss the largest military base?
Bliss has an area of about 1,700 square miles (4,400 km2); it is the largest installation in FORSCOM (United States Army Forces Command) and second-largest in the Army overall (the largest being the adjacent White Sands Missile Range).
What is the smallest military base in the US?
One of the smallest U.S. military bases is Ammunition Depot Indian Island, in Port Hadlock, Washington. The base, formerly known as Naval Weapons Station Seal Beach, became an official Navy installation in 2001 and is staffed by approximately 12 active duty personnel.
Which branch of the US military is the most powerful?
The US ARMY the most powerful branch of the United States military and The most powerful branch in the Whole world. Coming second is the Airforce, then the Navy. The others are just sub branches.