How long is the flight from Detroit to Connecticut?

How long is the flight from Detroit to Connecticut?

The total flight duration from Detroit, MI to Hartford, CT is 1 hour, 11 minutes.

How far is Detroit Michigan from Hartford Connecticut?

Distance from Detroit, MI to Hartford, CT There are 532.70 miles from Detroit to Hartford in east direction and 649 miles (1,044.46 kilometers) by car, following the I-90 E route.

How far is Michigan from Connecticut by plane?

The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between Connecticut and Michigan is 1,063 km= 661 miles. If you travel with an airplane (which has average speed of 560 miles) from Connecticut to Michigan, It takes 1.18 hours to arrive.

How far is Connecticut from Detroit Michigan?

534 miles

Is Connecticut close to Michigan?

The distance between Michigan and Connecticut is 625 miles. The road distance is 670.1 miles.

How many hours is it from Michigan to Connecticut?

How long is the drive from Michigan to Connecticut? The total driving time is 11 hours, 32 minutes. Your trip begins in the state of Michigan.

How far is Michigan from Connecticut?

The distance between Connecticut and Michigan is 625 miles. The road distance is 669.7 miles.

Is Michigan Central time?

Most of Michigan is in the United States Eastern Time Zone. Four counties (Gogebic, Iron, Dickinson, and Menominee) in the western Upper Peninsula that share their southern border with the state of Wisconsin are in the United States Central Time Zone.

Is Michigan in EST or EDT right now?

Detroit, Michigan Current Local Time – Detroit, Michigan Time Zone

Current Local Time Detroit, Michigan is officially in the Eastern Time Zone
The Current Time in Detroit, Michigan is: Tuesday 7/13/2021 11:17 AM EDT Detroit, Michigan is in the Eastern Time Zone
View Current Times in All Michigan Cities and Towns

How many time zones does Michigan have?


Are ET and EST the same?

Eastern Time (ET) is a general term used to describe the areas that observe either the Eastern Standard Time (EST) or Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) in the United States and Canada. ET is not static but switches between EDT and EST.

What is 4 am ET in EST?

Getting Started

Eastern Standard Time (EST) to Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST)
4 am EST is 6 pm AEST
5 am EST is 7 pm AEST
6 am EST is 8 pm AEST
7 am EST is 9 pm AEST

Can you use ET for time?

ET is used to denote the local time in areas that observe both Eastern Standard Time (EST) and Eastern Daylight Time (EDT). ET switches to ESt and EDT at some time of the year, during Daylight Saving Time.

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