How long is the Pendragon series?

How long is the Pendragon series?

The average reader will spend 10 hours and 27 minutes reading this book at 250 WPM (words per minute). Nine bestselling books. Nine treacherous territories.

How many words are in the Pendragon series?

The Merchant of Death (Pendragon (Pb))

Interest Level Reading Level Word Count
Grades 4 – 8 Grades 3 – 8 117136

What year does Pendragon take place?

Now Bobby once again finds himself thrust beyond the boundaries of time and space into a place that seems somewhat familiar: First Earth. Bobby and the Traveler from Cloral — Spader — have flumed to New York City, 1937.

Does Merlin ever kiss Arthur?

And Arthur cradles him close and presses Merlin’s head against his mail shirt; and Merlin turns his face in muzzily and kisses him through the metal links, because Arthur is wonderful and magnificent and saved him, and Arthur will never notice.

Who is stronger Merlin or Morgana?

Is Merlin, who has and used magic his whole life, who has learned from Giaus and Kilgharrah, and is the only Dragonlord more powerful than Morgana, who slowly learned to use her magic at first, but then had a crash course from Moruause, who had been trained her whole life with those who practiced the old religion..and …

Why did Morgana hate Arthur?

She hates Arthur due to his father killing her father and raping her mother and raises her children, known as the Orkney clan, to hate the Pendragons. She seduces Arthur through magic, siring Mordred. As in Malory, she is found in bed with Lamorak, but here it is Agravaine who kills her.

Why did they kill Roxy in Kingsman 2?

Kingsman 2 began production four months earlier, in April 2016, meaning that Roxy’s death in the film was likely due to her actor understandably choosing to focus on a series in which she played a main character. For that matter, it’s time to bring Roxy back and let her live up to her on-screen potential.

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