How long is under editor evaluation?

How long is under editor evaluation?

One month is not too long for this status: often, the AE has several other papers queued up before yours, which could be the reason for the delay. I would suggest waiting for another couple of weeks; if there is still no status change, you can send a polite inquiry to the editor.

Is science a peer reviewed journal?

Science is a weekly, peer-reviewed journal that publishes significant original scientific research, plus reviews and analyses of current research and science policy. Authors should familiarize themselves with the overall editorial policies for the Science Journals before submitting their paper.

What does under editor evaluation mean?

The status “under editor evaluation” indicates that the paper is now with the Associate Editor (AE) who will evaluate it based on the reviews and decide whether the paper should be accepted, rejected, or revised.

What does under consideration mean in planning?

Here “Under consideration” means that your paper has passed the initial check and now it is assigned to an Associate Editor.

What are the stages in planning process?

The main steps that are taken in planning process are as follows:

  • Establishing Objectives: Establishing the objectives is the first step in planning.
  • Determining Planning Premises.
  • Determining Alternative Courses.
  • Evaluating Alternative Courses.
  • Selecting the Best Course.
  • Formulating Derivative Plans.
  • Implementation of Plans.

What happens when a planning application is called in?

If a planning application is called-in, there will be a public inquiry chaired by a planning inspector, or lawyer, who will make a recommendation to the Secretary of State. The Secretary of State can reject these recommendations if he wishes and will genuinely take the final decision.

How is a planning application determined?

Applications are allocated to a planning case officer, who is the point of contact for making enquiries about the application. The majority of planning applications, approximately 90%, are dealt with by Council officers under delegated powers. The other 10% are determined by Planning Committee.

When can a planning application be called in to committee?

Planning applications that go to committee. Planning Committee is held once a month, usually on the third Thursday. Planning Committee reports are usually available 5 working days before the date of the Committee and the minutes are available within a week following the Committee meeting.

How long can a planning application take?

eight weeks

How long does prior approval last?

By default, this is an 8 week period from when the application is received, but this can vary depending on the type of proposal and may be extended if all parties are in agreement.

How long do building plans take to be approved?

30 days

What is allowed under permitted development rights?

Permitted development rights are a national grant of planning permission which allow certain building works and changes of use to be carried out without having to make a planning application. Permitted development rights are subject to conditions and limitations to control impacts and to protect local amenity.

What is the 45 degree rule?

THE 45 DEGREE-CODE (Non-Terraced Property) To comply with the 45 degree code, First Floor extensions shall be designed so as not to cross the 45 degree line from an adjoining neighbour’s nearest window which lights a habitable room or kitchen.

How close to my boundary can my Neighbour build?

Single story extensions to the side of your property to be no more than four meters in height and no wider than half the original size of the property. For those building a double extension on their property, you cannot go closer than seven meters to the boundary.

What is the maximum size you can build without planning permission?

4 metres

Can a Neighbour object to permitted development?

No-one can object to an extension built under PD. Yes they can. If they don’t think the development is lawful, then they can object to that effect.

How far can you extend the front of your house?

No extension can be forward elevation or side elevation in front of an highway. No extension can be higher than the highest part of your roof. Single storey extensions cannot extend beyond the rear wall of the original building by more than 8 metres. Max height of a single-storey extension is four metres.

What size extension does not need planning?

Single-storey rear extensions must not extend beyond the rear wall of the original house by more than three metres (if a semi-detached house) or by four metres (if a detached house). The maximum height of a single-storey rear extension should be four metres to avoid having to get planning permission for an extension.

What is the four year rule in planning?

The ‘4 Year Rule’ allows you to make a formal application for a certificate to determine whether your unauthorised use or development can become lawful through the passage of time — rather than compliance with space standards — and can continue without the need for planning permission.

Can I extend my house if it has already been extended?

Probably no permitted development as it’s already been extended so you’re best off speaking to the local planning dept. Theoretically you’ve probably had it but you never know. I don’t think previous extensions in themselves have any bearing on PP for future ones. Speak to an architect, builder, or planning dept.

How much would a single story extension cost?

In 2019, an estimate for the cost of a single storey extension is anywhere between £1,350 and £1,950 per m2. In London and the South East, this could be anywhere between £1,800 and £2,300+ per m2. These prices are for for a good quality extension. Basic quality would naturally cost less and premium would be more.

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