How many awards does Michael Jackson have in total?

How many awards does Michael Jackson have in total?

Jackson’s career was rewarded with 13 Grammy Awards, as well as the Grammy Legend Award and Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award; 6 Brit Awards, 5 Billboard Music Awards and 24 American Music Awards. He currently holds 16 Guinness World Records.

Who is the most successful entertainer of all time?

Michael Jackson

What’s the easiest Romance language?

Of all the major Romance languages, Italian is lexically closest to French – one of the reasons it’s relatively easy for English speakers to learn. Another, most likely, is how enjoyable most people find it to listen to.

Which Romance language should I learn first?

Italian. From an Italian’s point of view, Catalan and Occitan are the easiest to understand. Written French is partially intelligible. Spanish and Portuguese are also easiest to grasp when written, though he thinks it’s possible for Spanish and Italian speakers to have a basic conversation.

Is French or Spanish easier?

Spanish is arguably somewhat easier for the first year or so of learning, in large part because beginners may struggle less with pronunciation than their French-studying colleagues. However, beginners in Spanish have to deal with dropped subject pronouns and four words for “you,” while French only has two.

Is taking French in high school worth it?

It depends what are your plans for the future. For example, if you are going to live in a french-speaking country or you would like to have a job that requires you to know french then yes, it is useful. French is also a good door opener for other languages like Spanish, Romanian or Italian.

How long will it take to learn French?

For English-speakers, French falls into category 1. In other words, it is considered one of the easiest languages to learn because it is “closely related” to English. According to the FSI, it would take an English-speaker approximately 23-24 weeks or 575-600 hours of study to become proficient in the French language.

Is it better to learn Spanish or French?

While Spanish is a wonderful language and learning it comes with many benefits, none of the above is inherently true. Spanish grammar is sometimes simpler, and the accent is generally considered easier, but French gives English speakers a break in other areas, such as vocabulary.

Why is Spanish easier than German?

Spanish is easier because the writing system is phonemic, and there are many Spanish speakers in the United States. I have met few German speakers, and none of them have been native. Spanish is more difficult than German grammatically, too many verb conjugations, way complex subjunctive, gender in almost everything.

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