How many babies do swordtail fish have?

How many babies do swordtail fish have?

Swordtails can produce 50 – 100 fry every time and may give birth again four to 6 weeks after the first birth. It may take longer.

Do Swordtails have live babies?

Like other livebearing aquarium fish, swordtails (Xiphophorus hellerii) give birth to live young, or fry, rather than laying eggs. Although the swordtail’s gestation period is 28 days, it may be difficult to determine when she became pregnant.

Why won’t my swordtail give birth?

In reality, there are a number of factors that can make your swordtail fish not to give birth. Conditions such as inadequate water level and poor temperature can inhibit breeding.

How do you know when a female swordtail is about to give birth?

The Eyes of the Fry and Signs of Impending Birth A few days before delivery, she develops a bulge below the gills, her outline becoming fairly square in this region, while the gravid spot has enlarged its area.

What is the lifespan of a swordtail?

around three to five years

Can Swordtails breed with guppies?

No. Guppies cannot breed with Swordtails. This is because guppies and swordtails belong to a different genus of fish. The guppy fish belong to the Poecilia genus while swordtails belong to the Xiphophorus genus.

What can breed with guppies?

What Fish Can Breed with Guppies? Just like with platies, guppies can be crossbreed within their family: Poeciliidae. There are many fish species, which are part of the Poeciliidae family, the most common, which are also available in most fish shops are endler guppies and mollies.

Do mollies and swordtails mate?

Molly and swordtails actually can’t interbreed. Althougth they are a part of the livebearer family they won’t be able to breed with each other. Mollies and guppies are a part of the Poecilia family, while platy and swordtails are a part of the Xiophophorus family.

Can you have 2 male swordtails together?

It is possible to keep multiple males and females together in the same tank provided you have a large aquarium, heavily planted and decorated to provide sufficient hiding places. Make sure your tank is at least 50 gallons and you provide two or three females for each male in the tank.

Will two male swordtails fight?

With more males in the tank, chances are that they will ever be fighting against each other. Same happens to female swordtails. During this time, scrambling occurs hence, the stronger male will dominate and develop aggressive behavior towards another male.

Are Swordtails fin nippers?

Swordtails are generally suitable for keeping in community tanks with other medium sized fish. Some adult Swordtails can be aggressive and develop the habit of fin nipping. Colour and Varieties. Wild Swordtails are generally a dull green colour with a small extension to the tail fin.

Do Swordtails school?

Swordtail fish (Xiphophorous hellerii) are a very popular community aquarium fish. They live in groups, but are not a schooling fish. One of the things that make them so popular is their hardiness, as they can survive in very diverse environments.

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