How many calories are in a bowl of chicken and dumplings?

How many calories are in a bowl of chicken and dumplings?

Per serving: 235 calories, 6 g fat, 28 g carbohydrates, 16 g protein, 2 g dietary fiber, and 815 mg sodium.

Is chicken and dumpling good for you?

The chicken in a serving of chicken and dumplings is a healthy source of protein, a nutrient you need on a daily basis to support good health and produce energy. The soup tends to be quite high in sodium, which makes it less healthy than it could be.

Is dumpling soup healthy?

“Steamed or boiled dumplings are a reasonably healthy option, but you need to think of things like the filling, serving size and condiments you are using,” she tells Coach. “The veggie and seafood ones have the lowest energy [kilojoules].”

How many calories is in chicken dumpling soup?

Calories in Homemade Chicken Dumpling Soup

Calories 193.7
Total Fat 3.4 g
Saturated Fat 0.9 g
Polyunsaturated Fat 0.6 g
Monounsaturated Fat 1.0 g

Are dumplings good for weight loss?

“If it’s fairly lean meat to start with, the dumpling is going to be quite low in fat in that sense,” Austin said. The same goes for frozen dumplings you buy from the supermarket. As long as they’re not pre-deep fried and contain whole, healthy ingredients they are an okay option, according to Austin.

Are dumplings fattening?

Dumplings are usually very healthy as they hold lots of whole ingredients which can offer a large variety of different micronutrients. However, there is a poor balance of macronutrients as most of the calories will be coming from carbs and fats.

How many dumplings is too many?

You’ll want to make at least as many dumplings as your guests can eat in one sitting—estimate about 15 to 20 dumplings per guest, on the generous side. But the real genius of a dumpling party is you can basically trick your guests into making you a week’s worth of dinners.

Are dumplings high in carbs?

Eating steamed dumplings gives you access to healthy carbohydrates, a macronutrient your body requires for energy. Each two-dumpling serving contains 12 to 22 g of carbohydrates, or 9.2 to 16.9 percent of the 130 g the Institute of Medicine recommends for daily consumption.

What can I eat dumpling with?

And while rice and steamed veggies make it a meal, there are lots of easy ways to make delicious dinners starring potstickers.

  • Make a stir-fry with them.
  • Serve them with an Asian-style slaw.
  • Stir them into soup.
  • Top a rice bowl with them.
  • Make a pasta salad with them and your favorite Asian-style dressing.

How many carbs are in fried dumplings?

COURSE Evening Tea Snacks

Value per per dumpling % Daily Values
Protein 1.2 g 2%
Carbohydrates 5.9 g 2%
Fiber 0.4 g 2%
Fat 2.8 g 4%

How many calories is in dumplings?

A steamed pork dumpling is around 80 calories – just ten fewer than the pan-fried version. Those stuffed with vegetables, on the other hand, are about 35 calories a piece. So if you love the pork version and can stop at one dumpling, go for it.

How many calories are in 6 fried dumplings?

There are 2028 calories in 6 Pork Fried Dumplings.

How many calories are in fried chicken and dumplings?

Calories in Chicken Dumplings

Calories 235.8
Total Carbohydrate 25.4 g
Dietary Fiber 0.1 g
Sugars 1.9 g
Protein 25.6 g

How many calories is a pan fried dumpling?

Chang’s Handmade Pan Fried Pork Dumpling (6) | CalorieKing….Nutrition Facts.

Calories 510 (2134 kJ)
Trans Fat 0 g
Cholesterol 61 mg 20%
Sodium 1170 mg 49%
Total Carbohydrate 40 g 13%

How many calories are in 6 pork dumplings?

Chang’s Handmade Steamed Pork Dumplings (6) | CalorieKing….Nutrition Facts.

Calories 440 (1841 kJ)
Sodium 1170 mg 49%
Total Carbohydrate 40 g 13%
Dietary Fiber 1 g 4%
Sugars 7 g

How many calories do steamed dumplings have?

According to the USDA, a single medium steamed dumpling of 37 grams contains 41.8 calories, 1.7 g fat, 4.1 g carbohydrate, 0.4 g fiber, 0.9 g sugar and 2.5 g protein.

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