How many copies of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows were sold in its first 24 hours of release?

How many copies of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows were sold in its first 24 hours of release?

8.3 million copies

How many copies did Harry Potter sell in first week?

“We expected to sell 1 million copies in the first week and we sold that many within the first 48 hours,″ Barnes & Noble CEO Steve Riggio said Sunday as “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix″ set records around the world in its first weekend. Borders Group reported worldwide sales of 750,000 the first day.

Which novel sold the most copies in the first 24 hours?

Harry Potter

How much is a first edition of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows worth?

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows “The deluxe editions, with green cloth, of 1999 are also collectible if they are a first edition (prices go up to $5,000). However second printings can be picked up for three figures.”

How can you tell if a Harry Potter book is rare?

You can spot this ultra-rare version, rather than a later one, by looking at page 53 where “1 wand” appears twice in list of things Harry should bring to Hogwarts. You should also look for a print line that reads 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 and the crediting of “Joanne Rowling”, not JK, on the title page.

What mistakes did JK Rowling make in Harry Potter?

You have 2 free member-only stories left this month.

  • 7 Mistakes J.K. Rowling Made While Writing “Harry Potter”
  • Death Eaters are the only bad guys.
  • Allowing Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw to fall to the back burner.
  • The “All Slytherins are evil!” BS.
  • Killing Sirius Black instead of Arthur Weasley.
  • Snape’s ‘redemption’ arc.

What is Harry Potter’s old name?

Harry James Potter

Does Harry Potter books have bad words?

Merlin’s beard, Merlin’s “baggy y-fronts,” Merlin’s pants, or simply just his name are all common curses uttered by the wizarding community in times of surprise or crisis.

Do they say the F word in Harry Potter?

They don’t actually say the word ‘fuck’, but it’s definitely alluded to. Bloody hell, b*tch, Merlin’s beard and other plays on Merlin, Gallopin’ Gorgons, “great sizzling dragon bogies… frog brains… rat intestines” -Filch, mudblood.

Is Mudblood a bad word in Harry Potter?

‘Mudblood’ was the derogatory term used against witches and wizards born to Muggles, and wasn’t so much a swear word as it was a sign of deeply rooted wizarding prejudice.

Does Hermione swear?

r/harrypotter We all know that Hermione is constantly chastising Ron for his swearing, and that JKR actually used this as a tool to have her characters swear (especially Ron), without actually writing down the swear word.

Who did Hermione curse?

Antonin Dolohov

What is your favorite wizard swear?

Griffin: “What is your favorite wizard swear?” Griffin: Of course not. Travis: Oh… I think I really like ‘fuck’.

Known uses. Antonin Dolohov used the curse twice during the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, first against Hermione Granger, who was knocked unconscious but survived.

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