How many dB is a Blackhawk?
Results: Measurements reported here show noise levels of 105 dB or greater in all operating conditions.
How many decibels is a Boeing 747?
A Boeing 747 jet engine. The sound of takeoff, if you’re nearby, is around 140 decibels.
Do helicopters have whisper mode?
Nope, like a Star Trek Phaser, Whisper Mode is a fictional device. The 1980s cinematic masterpiece features a helicopter made by what is now Eurocopter, an AĆ©rospatiale Gazelle. And one of the helicopter’s most impressive technologies was its “whisper mode” that allowed it to fly around as quiet as a glider.
Can I complain about airplane noise?
To contact the FAA Aviation Noise Ombudsman, please send an email to [email protected] or leave a voice mail at (202) 267-3521. These messages can be efficiently distributed to the appropriate subject matter experts to address your concern.
Why do so many helicopters fly over my house?
There are several reasons why you might notice a police helicopter flying over your house. Violent crimes in progress, pursuits, property crimes, traffic stops, and perimeters are the most common reasons why you might hear a helicopter flying overhead. …
Why do helicopters circling at night?
The overwhelming number of circling helicopters, day or night, are police flights searching for, then signposting* local villains, so that ground units can be vectored in to locate suspects using dogs or other appropriate specialists, or to simply secure the scene and make an arrest.
How low can a helicopter fly over my house?
An altitude of 500 feet above the surface, except over open water or sparsely populated areas.
HOW LOW CAN military helicopters fly legally?
500 feet
Why would a helicopter fly low?
Helicopter NOE flying The lowest NOE flying is by helicopters because they have lower speeds and more maneuverability than fixed-wing aircraft, particularly fast-jets.
How low do planes have to be to avoid radar?
In combat, many aircraft will operate at altitudes as low as 100 feet and at high airspeeds to defeat ground missile radars and avoid sophisticated surface-to-air missiles, anti-aircraft artillery, and enemy fighters.