How many European countries start with the letter L?

How many European countries start with the letter L?

25 countries

What countries that start with L?

Countries that start with “L”

# Country Area (Km²)
1 Laos 230,800
2 Libya 1,759,540
3 Lebanon 10,230
4 Liberia 96,320

How many countries start with the letter L?


What country starts with the letter M?

Countries that start with “M”

# Country Area (Km²)
1 Mexico 1,943,950
2 Myanmar (formerly Burma) 653,290
3 Morocco 446,300
4 Malaysia 328,550

What are words that starts with L?

4 letter words that start with L

  • labs.
  • lace.
  • lack.
  • lacs.
  • lacy.
  • lade.
  • lads.
  • lady.

What is the longest word starting with L?

14-letter words that start with l

  • lateralization.
  • latitudinarian.
  • lignocellulose.
  • labyrinthodont.
  • labializations.
  • lachrymosities.
  • laryngoscopies.
  • laryngectomees.

What is a noun that starts with L?

50 Nouns Starting With L

Noun Definition Synonym
lot a portion or share allotment, allowance, share
lots a great deal, very much loads, many, oodles
luck good fortune favor, miracle, serendipity
lunch a meal eaten at midday luncheon, meal, snack

What is a bad word that starts with L?

List of Swear Words, Bad Words, & Curse Words – Starting With L

  • lameass – loser.
  • lardass – overweight individual.
  • lesbian – homosexual.
  • lesbo – homosexual.
  • lezzie – homosexual.

What is a 5 letter word that starts with L?

5-letter words starting with L

laari laban
labia Labin
labis labor
labra laced
lacer laces

What is a 4 letter word starting with L?

4-letter words starting with L

lacs lacy
Lada lade
lads lady
laer LAEs

What starts with L and ends with E?

Start With L and End In E

Word Length Vowels
Luke 4 2
Lime 4 2
Lame 4 2
Lace 4 2

What is a five letter word that starts with M?

5 letter words that start with M

  • maars.
  • macaw.
  • macer.
  • maces.
  • mache.
  • macho.
  • machs.
  • macks.

What is a good word for M?

Positive Words That Start With M

Madam Maestro Magic
Magnate Magnet Magnetic
Magnificent Magnifico Magnify
Magnitude Magnum Opus Mahalo
Main Main man Mainstay

What’s a positive word that starts with I?

Positive Words That Start With I

Ingenious Ingenuity Inherently
Indebted Initiative In-love
Inner-peace Innocent Innocuous
Innovative Insangelous Insight
Insightfulness Inspiration Inspirational

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