How many kids does mad moxxi have?

How many kids does mad moxxi have?

two children

Who is moxxi’s daughter?


How old is moxxi Borderlands 2?


Why is Gaige missing an arm?

After Gaige was inspired to amputate her left arm with a particle saw and replaced it with a robotic one she built, Marcie apparently stole Gaige’s DT designs and sold them to Eden-5’s corrupt police force. Marcie then shoved Gaige, causing Deathtrap to identify her as a hostile.

How many sirens can exist?

six Sirens

How tall is Krieg?


Is brick Tiny Tina’s brother?

Well, Brick gave Tiny Tina a piggyback while they blew stuff up. They’re just good friends, not related in any way.

Who is Scooter’s dad?

Jimbo Hodunk

Who killed Tiny Tina’s parents?

Tina and her parents were sold to Hyperion to become test subjects for Jack’s slag mutation experiments, an event which led to the deaths of her parents.

Are Brick and Mordecai dead?

Mordecai and Brick never die during the story…

Are pops human?

Pops Maellard (birth name, Mega Kranus) is a main character of Cartoon Network’s Regular Show. Pops appears to be a rich, thin humanoid alien lollipop from Lolliland whose step-father owns the park as well as the house, in which Pops shares with Mordecai and Rigby.

Did Scooter die?

Scooter is a main character in Tales from the Borderlands and Borderlands 2 and a character in Borderlands….

Death Episode Escape Plan Bravo
Cause of Death Explosion from a rocket thruster after it crashed back onto Pandora from space
Status Dead
Series lifespan Atlas Mugged to Escape Plan Bravo

How tall is a brick?

The standard dimension of a modern brick is 215 × 102.5 × 65 mm (approximately 8 5⁄8 × 4 1⁄8 × 2 5⁄8 inch), with a nominal 10 mm (3⁄8 inch)….Standard Brick Size, Weight & Dimensions (Inches):

STANDARD 4.5 lbs 3-5/8″ x 2-1/4″ x 8″

How tall is a brick CM?

The standard co-ordinating size for brickwork is 225 mm x 112.5 mm x 75 mm (length x depth x height). This includes 10 mm mortar joints, and so the standard size for a brick itself is 215 mm x 102.5 mm x 65 mm (length x depth x height).

How much is a brick?

Brick Prices by Volume

Amount of Bricks Typical Cost
Single Brick $0.50-$0.60
Pallet $250-$800
1,000 $500-$600

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