How many lines are in the play Hamlet?

How many lines are in the play Hamlet?

Length. Hamlet is Shakespeare’s longest play. The Riverside edition constitutes 4,042 lines totaling 29,551 words, typically requiring over four hours to stage.

How long is Hamlet span?

The first, from the beginning of the play to Act 2, scene 1, appears to take place across two days. It’s just under two months after Hamlet’s father has died: “but two months dead – nay not so much, not two” (1.2.

What Shakespeare character has the most lines?

Hamlet, with 1569 lines, has the most lines of any character in a single play. Henry V, however, speaks the most lines of any character (if we combine his lines in Henry V, and 1 and 2 Henry IV).

What is the longest part in Shakespeare?


Who speaks the most in Romeo and Juliet?

Regardless, Romeo has far more smaller lines and appears in far more scenes than Juliet. Therefore, Romeo speaks the most lines, which makes sense considering that Romeo is the tragic hero.

Who is more in love Romeo or Juliet?

Therefore, it can be concluded that it is Juliet who is more passionate and intense in love than Romeo.

Is Juliet in love with Romeo?

Juliet’s love for Romeo seems at least in part to be a desire to be freed from her parents’ control by a husband who can’t control her either. More experienced characters argue that sexual frustration, not enduring love, is the root cause of Romeo and Juliet’s passion for one another.

Did Romeo and Juliet have true love?

While Juliet’s love at first is also all about physical attraction, the moment Romeo kills her cousin Tybalt gives her a chance to make choices and for her love to mature. Therefore, only Juliet’s love for Romeo is mature enough to be considered real love rather than infatuation.

Who is in love with Juliet before Romeo?


Why did Rosaline not like Romeo?

Whereas Romeo had told Benvolio that Rosaline had rejected him because she’d sworn to remain “chaste” forever, Friar Laurence suggests that Rosaline didn’t believe Romeo’s love to be authentic, saying “Oh, she knew well, / Thy love did read by rote that could not spell.” In other words, she knew Romeo was only acting …

Why is Romeo depressed?

Romeo is depressed at the beginning of the play because his love for Rosaline is not returned. Benvolio wants to help Romeo get over Rosaline and explains to him that when he saw Rosaline she was alone, so there was no one to compare her beauty with.

Who is the only son of Lord and Lady Montague?


How old is Lord Montague?

Montague Lord M., Lady M., Romeo, Benvolio (Romeo’s Cousin) He is a Montague who is around sixteen years old. He is impulsive, immature, and passionate. He married his wife when she was 13.

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