How many people in the world have the name Emmeline?
Based on the analysis of 100 years worth of data from the Social Security Administration’s (SSA) Baby Names database, the estimated population of people named EMMELINE is 2,091.
How popular is the name Emmeline?
A recommended Nameberry fave, Emmeline hopped onto the US Top 1000 in 2014 for the first time ever. While it is genuinely an old name, it was rarely used a century ago; only 17 baby girls were named Emmeline in 1915, the same number as were named Ernie!
Is Emmaline a common name?
The name Emmaline is a girl’s name. This iteration of the name makes the link to the ultra-popular Emma even more obvious. It lags behind alternate spelling Emmeline on the US Top 1000 list.
What does name Emmaline mean?
peaceful home
What type of name is Emmaline?
Emmeline (also spelled Emiline, Emmilene, Emmaline, or Ameline) is a female given name. The medieval name, a short form of Germanic names beginning with the element amal meaning “work”. It was introduced to England by the Normans. It also means gentle and brave.
What does the name emersyn mean?
brave, powerful
Is emersyn an English name?
Emersyn is an alternative spelling to Emerson, an English name meaning son of Emery.
Is emersyn a girl or boy name?
Emersyn is a girl’s name.
What does the name Rae mean for a girl?
Meaning:ewe or female sheep. Rae as a girl’s name is a short form of the Hebrew name Rachel meaning “ewe or female sheep”. It is also a feminine form of Ray.
Is Rae a cool name?
Rae Origin and Meaning The name Rae is a girl’s name of Hebrew, English origin meaning “ewe”. All the old ae/ay middle names for girls are back–Kay, Fay, Mae/May, –and Rae is one of the coolest, used as such by celebrities as Mark Wahlberg and Daniel Baldwin.
Is Rey a girl name?
The name Rey is a girl’s name of Spanish origin meaning “king”. Rey, a Ray-soundalike that has ranked on the boys’ side for the past 15 years, is about to get more popular for girls too, now that it’s the name of the new heroine of the latest Star Wars movie.
Is Rae a Japanese name?
That is the name Rae (when pronounced ray) in Japanese katakana is レイ with the romaji rei. The standard way that names are translated to Japanese is with katakana.
Can a girl name be Ray?
The name Ray is a girl’s name. Most female Rays used to spell their names Rae, but now the Ray Charles, ray-of-sunshine way is cool for both genders.
What gender is the name Ray?
Boy or Girl? Gender Popularity of the Name “Ray” Ray: It’s a boy! Since 1880, a total of 200,160 boys have been given the name Ray while 3,643 girls were named Ray.
How old is the name Raymond?
Raymond Origin and Meaning Raymond was introduced into England by the Normans and was a favorite in the time of the Crusades. Raymond was a Top 20 name in 1900, and continued to be popular through the era of Raymond Chandler and Raymond Burr and Raymond Massey.
What is a nickname for Raymond?
Variations, Nicknames and Sound Alikes: Raemond, Raemondo, Raimond, Raimondo, Raimund, Raimundo, Rajmund, Ramon, Ramond, Ramonde, Ramone, Ray, Rayment, Raymondo, Raymund, Raymunde, Raymundo, Réamann, Redmond, Redmund, Reymond, Reymundo.
Is Raymond a girl or boy?
Raymond is a male given name. It was borrowed into English from French (older French spellings were Reimund and Raimund, whereas the modern English and French spellings are identical).