How many Winx characters are there?
Four (Bloom, Stella, Aisha, and Roxy) of the seven Winx are members of royalty. This number is raised to five in both the comics (where Tecna was written as a princess until Issue 90) and the 4Kids dub of the show (where Musa is made the Princess of the Harmonic Nebula).
What are the fairies names in Winx?
The main fairies in their 3D designs, clockwise from top right: Tecna, Flora, Stella, Bloom, Aisha, and Musa.
Who were the original Winx characters?
Winx Club was the exception to that rule. One of the most culturally diverse cartoons of our time, the original series consisted of Bloom, Tecna, Aisha, Musa, Flora, and Stella, who attended Alfea College for Fairies, a magical boarding school.
Who are the people in Winx Club?
The 2004 “Winx Club” cartoon followed protagonist Bloom and her five friends Stella, Flora, Musa, Tecna, and Aisha (known in some dubs as Layla) as they studied at Alfea College for Fairies and fought threats against the world of Magix.
Why is Stella so mean in fate?
Stella was emotionally abused by her mother when she was teaching her how to use magic and as a result, Stella’s magic has become unpredictable and she’s at Alfea to learn how to control her magic so that something like the Rickie incident doesn’t happen again.
Are the Trix actually sisters?
The Trix are a trio of sisters who act as antagonists at various points in the series. They physically appear in every season except Season 4. They consist of three witches who are also sisters and they descend from the Ancient Witches, the most powerful and evil of all witches to have ever existed.
Who is the bad guy in Winx saga?
Riven is one of the main characters of Fate: The Winx Saga. He is portrayed by Freddie Thorp.
Who is the oldest in the Trix?
Princess Icy
Who are the bad girls in Winx?
The Trix are a group of evil witches that give magic a bad name. It’s the job of the Winx Club to stop this trio of villainous sisters from destroying the Magic Dimension with their wicked ways. Icy is the chilly leader of the Trix, who will stop at nothing to destroy Bloom and rule the universe.
Who is Stella’s best friend?
Ricki was Stella’s best friend who was blinded by Stella’s magic when she lost control of it.