How many words are there in the Afrikaans dictionary?

How many words are there in the Afrikaans dictionary?


What is the meaning of woordeboek?

Afrikaans English (translated indirectly) Esperanto
woordeboek common noun dictionary common noun vortaro unknown part of speech
woord common noun word common noun vorto common noun
woord common noun word common noun vorto common noun
woord common noun word common noun vorto common noun

How do you spell Afrikaans?

The term is derived from the Dutch term Afrikaansch (now spelled Afrikaans) meaning “African”.

What do you call apps in Afrikaans?

English to Afrikaans Meaning :: mobile application Mobile application : mobiele aansoek. Pronunciation: Add to Favorite: Application – aansoek Mobile – mobiele.

How do you spell water in Afrikaans?

The human body is about 50% water….water.

English Afrikaans
1. water besproei
2. water water

What is the plural of water?

The noun ‘water’ is part of a category of nouns known as ‘uncountable’, which means that they do not have plural forms. The plural form will also be water. Anyway, in more particular contexts, the plural form can also be waters. e.g. in reference to various types of waters or a collection of waters.

Why the sea is green?

The most important light-absorbing substance in the oceans is chlorophyll, which phytoplankton use to produce carbon by photosynthesis. Due to this green pigment – chlorophyll – phytoplankton preferentially absorb the red and blue portions of the light spectrum (for photosynthesis) and reflect green light.

What does green ocean water mean?


Why is ocean water black?

Why are some parts of the sea darker? In deep water, the sun’s rays are entirely absorbed by the particles present in the water itself, as sediments are located way down the ocean. Thus, deeper parts of the ocean have a darker hue to them.

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