How many words does James and the Giant Peach have?

How many words does James and the Giant Peach have?

James and the Giant Peach (The Best of Roald Dahl)

Interest Level Reading Level Word Count
Grades 4 – 8 Grades 4 – 6 23843

Is Don Quixote a difficult read?

Cervantes and Golden Age Spanish literature in general did not have that sense of aesthetics, the meat was somewhere else. The only way Cervantes uses “pomp” is to mock it. Taking into account that Spanish has barely changed and it was never the aim to sound like Shakespeare wrote, Don Quixote is not a difficult read.

Which is longer war and peace or Les Miserables?

Les Miserables, 1862, by Victor Hugo (530,982) – There’s some confusion as to which is longer, War and Peace, or Les Miserables. The verdict is that in English translations, War and Peace is longer.

Is Les Miserables the longest book ever?

Traditionally, Artamène ou le Grand Cyrus has been considered the longest novel, but it has been surpassed by at least one novel, or two depending on the criterion used to determine the length….List.

Book title Les Misérables
Author Victor Hugo
Edition/publisher Penguin Classics edition
Page count 1,456
Volumes 1

What is the war in Les Miserables?

The June rebellion of 1832

Which is longer Anna Karenina or War and Peace?

War and Peace was written a bit earlier, and I think Tolstoy hit his stride and got some novelistic bugs worked out by the time he composed Anna Karenina. Most critics would probably agree that Anna Karenina “reads” better than War and Peace, which is also much longer.

Is Anna Karenina the best novel ever?

We believe in the free flow of information This “idea” plays out through the plot of Anna Karenina, published between 1874 and 1876, and often acclaimed as the best novel ever written.

What books are longer than War and Peace?

26 Very Long Books Worth the Time They’ll Take to Read

  • Don Quixote, by Miguel de Cervantes (1605, 976 pp.)
  • Bleak House, by Charles Dickens (1853, 960 pp.)
  • War and Peace, by Leo Tolstoy (1869, 1,296 pp.)
  • Middlemarch, by George Eliot (1872, 880 pp.)
  • The Brothers Karamazov, by Fyodor Dostoyevsky (1880, 824 pp.)

How long does it take to finish Les Miserables?

Les Mis is 2 hours and 50 minutes including one interval. There are performances of Les Mis at 7.30pm Monday to Saturday with matinees at 2.30pm on Wednesdays and Saturdays.

What is the main message of Les Miserables?

Les Misérables is a show about courage, love, heartbreak, passion, and the resilience of the human spirit—themes which undoubtedly transcend time and place. Perhaps the most relevant themes, however, are related to the dignity of the human person.

What does Les Miserables translate to in English?

Les Misérables has several shades of meaning in French. Translators say that Victor Hugo’s novel, published in 1862, could just as well be titled The Miserable Ones, The Outcasts, The Wretched Poor, The Victims or The Dispossessed.

What is Les Miserables about short summary?

After 19 years as a prisoner, Jean Valjean (Hugh Jackman) is freed by Javert (Russell Crowe), the officer in charge of the prison workforce. Valjean promptly breaks parole but later uses money from stolen silver to reinvent himself as a mayor and factory owner. Javert vows to bring Valjean back to prison. Eight years later, Valjean becomes the guardian of a child named Cosette after her mother’s (Anne Hathaway) death, but Javert’s relentless pursuit means that peace will be a long time coming.

What is the historical background of the story Les Miserables?

Beginning in 1815 and culminating in the 1832 June Rebellion in Paris, the novel follows the lives and interactions of several characters, particularly the struggles of ex-convict Jean Valjean and his experience of redemption.

How did Jean Valjean make his money?

In late 1815, Jean Valjean, now using the name Madeleine, arrives in Montreuil-sur-Mer. He revolutionizes the town’s manufacturing and earns a fortune, which he spends mostly for the town’s good, paying for the maintenance (including required staff) of hospital beds, orphanages and schools.

Where did Cosette work as a small child?


What type of character is Eponine?

tragic character

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