How much are G1 transformers worth?

How much are G1 transformers worth?

A G1 Optimus Prime in mint condition with the box, professionally graded, and in a special protective case can go for as much as $3,400. Being an original G1, and the face of the franchise, Optimus isn’t exactly rare, TransformerLand lists quite a lot of these being sold over the years.

What is the most valuable G1 Transformer?

Top 10 Most Expensive G1 Transformers Toys

  • #10 Optimus Prime. We start with the hottest 1984 G1 Transformers toy Optimus Prime also found in my Top 10 G1 Transformers Toys Must-Haves.
  • #9 Trypticon.
  • #8 Vroom.
  • #7 Reflector.
  • #6 Jetfire.
  • #5 Thunderwing.
  • #3 Scorponok.
  • #2 Scourge Targetmaster.

Which G1 Transformer is rarest?

G1 Guyhawk This Guyhawk action figure was a Japan exclusive, making it quite rare. It’s made of hard plastic with magenta and silver paint. Guyhawk is a founding member of Breastforce, a group of some of the worst Decepticons imaginable.

Where can I sell my G1 Transformer?

Turn Your G1 Transformers and Vintage Toy Collection into Cash with Wheeljack’s Lab! If you are ready to sell Transformers, we are ready to buy! Call us at 888-946-2895 or use the form below to send us a message!

Where can I sell my old transformers?

Best Places To Sell Transformer Toys

  • Local Pawn Shop. While not necessarily the place to go if you want anywhere near fair value for your Transformer toys, where pawn shops do excel is providing speed and convenience of sale.
  • Local Collectibles or Comics Store.
  • eBay.
  • Sell Your Transformer Toys To Neat Stuff Collectibles.

How much are my transformers worth?

Real-Time Online Price Guide Values for Transformers Toys

Figure (G1 Transformers) Sales Price
(2) Megatron Sealed: No Data Opened: $225 Loose: $124
(3) Soundwave Sealed: $2300 Opened: $249 Loose: $54
(4) Starscream Sealed: $750 Opened: $194 Loose: $78
(5) Bumblebee Sealed: $163 Opened: $56 Loose: $29

Are transformers worth money?

Case in point, Transformers toys. It should come as no surprise that the original toys are worth the most, some fetching prices for that of a used car. These so-called “generation one” or “Gen 1” or “G1” toys are highly sought after by collectors, and bidding wars happen on a regular basis.

What’s the most expensive transformer?

That’s right. Nearly $600 for a Transformer. So not only is Unicron the biggest figure Hasbro has ever produced, he’s also the most expensive.

What is the most expensive transformer?

Have You Seen the Most Expensive Transformers Toy Ever?

  • Transformers Masterpiece Edition MP-44 Optimus Prime (Convoy)
  • Transformers Masterpiece Edition MP-44 Optimus Prime (Convoy)
  • Transformers Masterpiece Edition MP-44 Optimus Prime (Convoy)
  • Transformers Masterpiece Edition MP-44 Optimus Prime (Convoy)

Who is the coolest Transformer?

The ultimate Transformer, Unicron is easily the coolest on this list. When he debuted in 1986’s animated Transformers feature film, it was unlike anything audiences had ever seen before, and gave both Autobots and Decepticons reason to fear his name.

Which is the strongest transformer?

The Most Powerful Transformers Ranked

  • Bruticus.
  • Trypticon.
  • Metroplex.
  • Omega Supreme.
  • Vector Prime.
  • Galvatron.
  • Unicron.
  • Primus. Brother to Unicron and the only being in the universe who can stand up to him, Primus is the stand-in for God in the Transformers universe.

Is sideswipe good or bad?

Sideswipe is a heroic Decepticon and former evil Autobot from the Shattered Glass continuity family. In the mirrorverse, Sideswipe is a good guy! As a result, Sideswipe joined the heroic Decepticons. He now fights against Prime and all his evil Autobots, though for different reasons than his new comrades.

Is g1 Sideswipe dead?

Sideswipe was depressed when he thought that the duel had ended with Brawn’s demise, only to be overjoyed to see him intact afterwards, his death having been a ruse orchestrated by Mirage and Optimus.

Is side swipe dead?

Transformers: Dark of the Moon Sideswipe fought alongside Ironhide when Sentinel Prime betrayed the Autobots, and watched as Ironhide was killed by Sentinel.

Is sideswipe red alert?

Generations Red Alert is a retool of Universe Sideswipe. To differentiate him from the Henkei!

Is red alert a medic?

The medic is an Allied support infantry unit in Command & Conquer: Red Alert, Counterstrike, The Aftermath, and Retaliation….Medic (Red Alert 1)

Affiliation Allied Forces
Role Support infantry
Protection None
Tier 1

What car is red alert?

This must be a Decepticon plot! Transforming into a Lamborghini Countach Fire Chief’s car, Red Alert’s toy is a redeco of the Diaclone “New Countach LP500S Police Car”, which was a retool that added roof lights to the original Diaclone “New Countach LP500S”, which was the mold used to make Sideswipe.

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