How much do brand reps make at Hollister?
The typical Hollister Co. Brand Representative salary is $10 per hour. Brand Representative salaries at Hollister Co. can range from $0 – $17 per hour.
How much do you get paid to work at Hollister?
Hollister Co. Jobs by Hourly Rate
Job Title | Range | Average |
Job Title:Sales Associate | Range:$7 – $12 | Average:$9 |
Retail Store Manager | Range:$13 – $27 | Average:$19 |
Retail Sales Associate | Range:$7 – $11 (Estimated *) | Average:- |
Inside Sales Representative | Range:$7 – $13 (Estimated *) | Average:- |
How much do you get paid for modeling?
How Much Do Model Jobs Pay per Month?
Annual Salary | Monthly Pay | |
Top Earners | $208,000 | $17,333 |
75th Percentile | $208,000 | $17,333 |
Average | $125,457 | $10,454 |
25th Percentile | $45,500 | $3,791 |
What it takes to be a Hollister model?
– Should appear between the ages of 18 and 23. – DIVERSE. All genders, sizes, looks, skin, hair, abilities… Style-wise, we’re looking for casual street wear looks – think Hollister Co.
What age do you have to be to model for Hollister?
Generally speaking, to get a job at Hollister as a brand representative/floor model, key holder, or stock associate, you must be at least 16 years old.
How much do 13 year old models get paid?
How Much Does a Teen Model Get Paid? Models can make anywhere from $5-$250+ an hour. This pay rate varies depending on if you’re a child or adult, beginner or experienced model, or if the company pays per day instead of per hour. It also depends on what types of model you’re looking to become.
What age does Victoria Secret hire?
18 years old