How much do you get paid for being an air hostess?

How much do you get paid for being an air hostess?

Air cabin crew with experience can expect to earn a base rate of £15,000 to £18,000 a year. Base pay at senior cabin crew level, which can be reached after a few years, is around £20,000. You can add an hourly flight rate, inflight commission on sales and performance bonuses to your base rate.

Which airline has the highest paid flight attendants?

Highest Pay

  • 1) Southwest Airlines. If you are in the industry, you know that Southwest has a great reputation for truly taking care of their employees.
  • 2) Delta Airlines.
  • 3) United Airlines.
  • 1) Frontier Airlines.
  • 2) United Airlines.
  • 3) American Airlines.
  • 1) Frontier Airlines.
  • 2) Southwest Airlines.

How many hours can flight attendants work in a day?

12 hours

Do flight attendants travel for free?

While flight attendants do get lots of free flights, they’re not supposed to use them for anything other than personal vacations. For example, if a flight attendant were to book a trip to a conference for a separate part-time job, they could easily get in trouble, according to Rivers.

What are the disadvantages of being a flight attendant?

List of the Cons of Being a Flight Attendant

  • The salaries of flight attendants are shockingly low.
  • You are almost always on reserve or on call as a flight attendant.
  • This job requires you to be away from home a lot.
  • Your training is not always classified as employment.
  • You may not have the option to take a sick day.

Do flight attendants go home every night?

Schedules/Hours: Schedules and hours vary greatly since most airlines operate 24 hours. Hours are irregular, determined by the flight assignment and vary per day. Flight attendants may be away from home for several days in a row including weekends and holidays and therefore must be flexible.

Is it fun to be a flight attendant?

People usually think it’s so cool to be a flight attendant. They ask you all about your route, your layovers, and hotels. It’s funny, because it’s so different when you’re on the ground. When people get on the plane, they don’t treat you like it’s such a cool job.

Is flight attendant a dead end job?

No, unless your ultimate goal is to become a pilot, or a brain surgeon. A flight attendant is a wonderful career in and of itself, but it has to be something you like and want to do.

Why Being a flight attendant is bad?

Another bad thing about being a flight attendant is the salary. A flight attendant often only makes about $25,000 in their first year. Salaries can ultimately go up pretty high, but you do have to start so low! Many flight attendants have to have other part time jobs to get by at first.

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