How much does a Ford conversion van weight?

How much does a Ford conversion van weight?

How much does a Ford Econoline van weight?

Body height 84.8 “
Wheelbase 138.0 “
Curb 5,230 lbs.
Gross weight 8,900 lbs.

How long is a 1990 Ford Econoline?

186.80 in

Will a bad Ficm throw a code?

Often a bad FICM will throw injector misfire codes or even PCM error codes.

Does a Ficm need to be programmed?

Yes it will come programmed from the parts store for the 03. If it needed to be programmed the directions I gave you would have said you need to program it. The ficm should come programed.

How do you test a Ficm?

To test with a FICM with a 4 pin you will connect your volt meter’s positive lead to the far right screw and connect your positive lead to the negative battery terminal. You will test the same way as we did with the scan tool. Key in run position, cranking and engine running.

Can you bench test a Ficm?

Technically you can, but you could only test the power supply portion of the circuits and you would need injectors that could be wired up to the FICM.

What does a 58v Ficm do?

The higher output voltage of our 58v FICM forces the fuel injector to open more quickly, which allows the fuel injector to flow slightly more fuel than the lower/stock voltage unit. The quicker action of the fuel injector also slightly advances the injection timing. We also eliminate that annoying injector post buzz.

Why do 6.0 Ficms fail?

While engine heat and vibration contributes to FICM failures, the number one cause (arguably) is a low battery voltage condition. As the FICM supply voltage drops the electrical current increases, damaging the FICM’s fragile circuitry.

How much is a Ford Ficm?

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