How much does a harpsichord weigh?

How much does a harpsichord weigh?

Disposition 2×8′, buff, (on special request, 1×8′, 1×4′, buff); Flemish registers (through the cheek)
Dimensions length 82.28″; width 33.66″; depth of case 10.24″
Weight about 120 lbs
Action reverse keyboard with ebony naturals, bone-slipped sharps and pearwood arcades; brown delrin jacks

How much does a good harpsichord cost?

Many of our harpsichords can be built for between $14,000 and $18,000, clavichords from $3,000. However, instruments can cost more depending on features and finish. Once your requirements for an instrument are determined we can determine the price before work commences on your instrument.

Do they still make harpsichord?

The harpsichord was largely obsolete, and seldom played, during a period lasting from the late 18th century to the early 20th. The instrument was successfully revived during the 20th century, first in an ahistorical form strongly influenced by the piano, then with historically more faithful instruments.

What does a harpsichord sound like?

While harpsichords traditionally have a tinny sound, Washington’s harpsichord likely sounded more like a plucked guitar. That’s because the instrument, which he purchased for his granddaughter in 1793, used soft leather to pluck the strings instead of stiff quills.

How does harpsichord make sound?

The sound of the wing-shaped harpsichord and its smaller rectangular, triangular, or polygonal relatives, the spinet and virginal, is produced by plucking their strings. When the harpsichordist pushes down on a key, the back end rises, lifting the jack and forcing the plectrum past the string, plucking it.

What happened to the harpsichord?

During the late 18th century, with the development of the fortepiano (and then the increasing use of the piano in the 19th century) the harpsichord gradually disappeared from the musical scene (except in opera, where it continued to be used to accompany recitative).

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