How much does it cost from Pretoria to Durban?

How much does it cost from Pretoria to Durban?

Information on this bus route

Daily Buses 80
Minimum Price $11
Average Ticket Price $22
Minimum Trip Duration 8h
Average Bus Trip Duration 9h45m

How much is flight from Pretoria to Durban?

Airline Cheapest
Mango R68 Search Mango flights
British Airways R39 Search British Airways flights
FlySafair R80 Search FlySafair flights
South African R97 Search South African flights

How much is train from Pretoria to Durban?

Pretoria to Durban train services, operated by Gautrain, depart from Pretoria station. Train or bus from Pretoria to Durban? The best way to get from Pretoria to Durban is to bus which takes 8h 30m and costs R 170 – R 230. Alternatively, you can train, which costs R 390 – R 480 and takes 16h 16m.

How much is a train ticket to Durban?

Tickets cost R 170 – R 230 and the journey takes 7h 45m. InterCape also services this route every 3 hours. Alternatively, Premier Classe operates a train from Johannesburg to Durban once a week. Tickets cost R 330 and the journey takes 14h 30m.

How many hours drive from Pretoria to Durban?

The driving distance between Pretoria and Durban is 625.2km and it would take you 7 Hours 49 minutes if you average 80 km/h (49 mph). The Flying time between Pretoria and Durban is 0 Hours 36 minutes since you would need to travel 538.7 km. however if you were to take a Run it would take you 62 Hours 31 minutes.

How much is a taxi from Pretoria to Bloemfontein?

Johannesburg Taxi Fare From Pretoria,South Africa to Bloemfontein, South Africa. Johannesburg Taxi Fare from Pretoria,South Africa to Bloemfontein, South Africa is ZAR R 435. It usually takes 38 minutes to reach Bloemfontein, South Africa from Pretoria,South Africa which are 43,452 Kms apart.

How much is Greyhound bus from Pretoria to Durban?

Greyhound timetable from Pretoria – Gauteng to Durban – KwaZulu Natal. A minimum of 25 Greyhound buses each day to Durban. This travel takes around 9 hours and 45 minutes on trip length. Price start from R 150.00 up to R 520.00 each seat.

How far is Bloemfontein from Pretoria?

423 km

How much does it cost from Pretoria to Polokwane?

The quickest way to get from Pretoria to Polokwane is to drive which costs R 370 – R 550 and takes 2h 35m.

How much is it from Bloemfontein to Pretoria?

Compare all companies for the Bloemfontein Pretoria bus route. Check all bus schedules with one click!…Facts about the bus from Bloemfontein to Pretoria.

Cheapest Bus $12.97
Distance 262.9 miles

How much is the bus from Bloemfontein to Pretoria?

The best way to get from Bloemfontein to Pretoria is to bus which takes 7h 23m and costs R 220 – R 550.

How many hours is Kimberley from Pretoria?

Distance between Kimberley, South Africa and Pretoria, South Africa is 553.2 km

@ Speed Time
70 Km/h (43 mph) 7 Hours 54 minutes
60 Km/h (37 mph) 9 Hours 13 minutes
45 Km/h (28 mph) 12 Hours 18 minutes
30 Km/h (18 mph) 18 Hours 26 minutes

How much is Citiliner from Cape Town to Johannesburg?

In this route, travellers will buy a Citiliner Ticket from R 110.00.

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