How much does it cost to replace a rear tail light?

How much does it cost to replace a rear tail light?

The price for tail light lens replacement starts at $100 and goes to $750 and beyond. At an average, the cost of a tail light bulb would be around $20 to $100. The whole tail light assembly would cost around $200 to $2000 depending on the inclusions and the quality of the bulbs used.

Can you drive with a broken tail light?

While some police officers issue citations for broken taillights – which they can do, as it is technically illegal to drive with a broken taillight – most will probably just give you a warning and tell you to get it fixed as soon as you can. If you notice that your taillight is out, don’t try to test the system.

Why is a broken tail light illegal?

It’s true that broken taillights can be used as an excuse for police to examine your vehicle for other reasons, but that’s entirely legal as well. Since a broken taillight is a reasonable cause for them pulling you over, they will have clear vision of anything else in your car that is illegal, should it be present.

Can you buy just a tail light cover?

Depending on your driving style and local requirements for road legal vehicles, you want to consider blackout or paint-to-match covers. You can get the parts you need to protect your tail lights by shopping in store or online at AutoZone.

How much does it cost for a tail light cover?

Most people will be capable of replacing this part themselves and will usually need no professional help. If you are just replacing the bulb, plan on spending less than $35, but if you have to replace the whole light assembly, including the tail light cover, then it can cost upwards of $100 to $300.

How much does it cost to fix a tail light cover?

A dealer may charge $75-$180 labor (for an average car) plus the cost of the part to replace one taillight assembly. If you are looking for a less expensive option, many auto parts stores sell aftermarket taillight assemblies, although the quality might not be on par with the OEM (original) part.

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